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The next Mayor is responsible for......
The next Mayor is responsible for......

* appointing a County Charter Commission

* appointing a County Reapportionment Commission

* implementing the Community Development Plans

can anyone add to the list?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Dealing with all the crap that's been left behind from previous administrations.

very thoughtful....
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Keeping Healthy

Installing Faith in Big Island Residents of the Government Processes here on the Island

Listening to Big Island Residents

Making him/her accessible to the people

Making a stand against certain projects that won't benefit the Big Island

Working together with the council to create an atmosphere that is willing to listen to the peoples desires instead of Big Money

Looking at what they can do to attract business to the island without environmental damage

I'm sure I could go on and on... but I too would like to hear others responses on this.[?]

appointing a new planning director and public works director?

Appointing ALL the department directors and presenting an annual budget to the County Council.
Originally posted by Rene Siracusa

Appointing ALL the department directors and presenting an annual budget to the County Council.

[Big Grin][Big Grin] It was tongue in cheek! [:p] I mentioned those two specifically because I have heard various choices thrown out to who would the possible appointments.

I am really irritated with the PW director for the way his department set up the amnesty program for asbuilts (aka unpermitted structures). The program actually made it harder to get these unpermitted structures permitted than before the so called amnesty program. Virgina Isabell, and then Bob Jacobsen and I had long talks about the intention of the program. The intention was not carried out. And IMHO it seemed more like 13 yrs olds saying "well they didnt ask me so I am not going to make it happen easily, hrrrmmpp!".

As for the PD, I would like to see someone more middle ground than one way or the other. I think it is much better to have the Planning Commission evenly balanced with people like you, Rene, (less developement, more environmental protection), and also pro developement people. Balance. There is currently no balance to the PD except for something that hits the commission's agenda. The PD is there to execute the mandates not spin it. And I do know that the PD makes some decisions based on his values - aka Sierra Club.

And yes I have worked on a lot of projects that included planning approval. One of my biggest gripes is the SMA issues in Kapoho. I spent again a long time speaking and corresponding with of all people, the Chief of the Bldg dept in GALVESTON + two years ago. His department's ideas were sound then, and after last weekend, still sound. They are more lenient in some areas (less than 25% damage) and much more strident in others (more than 50% damage) on rebuilding in Fema designated flood zones. Both good choices. They also do some release of liability if you absolutely must build in low land. But then again it is Texas where personal freedoms are much more prized than Hawaii. I have also discussed with numerous people what it would look like to condemn these properties and take them out of the building picture forever - like the 50+ acres underwater. That has gone absolutely no where.

On a different front, I just became aware of a person (one of our own PW'ers) who is having issues with building in Pahoa. In this case, they are trying to do everything right and road block after road block appears. I am appalled at this. The improvement would be sustantial to the community and remove the eyesore and provide habitat restoration. The impact is also mitigated by the environmental mess that is there now.


I liked Harry Kim as the CD Director, and I liked most of his choices as Mayor... but these two I will be glad to see possibly changed. I may be slitting my own throat by speaking out but so be it. (and in reference to another thread....I wont hide behind "anonymous"...[8D])

Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management
808 965-9261
"We help make building your dream home a reality"
All Department Directors are co-terminus with the Mayor. Deputies also.
Anyone who is a Director or Deputy now -- except Civil Service, Mass Transit, Police, Fire -- will either leave or be appointed anew by the incoming mayor.
This turnover is a very big matter!

Vote Angel Pilago for Mayor!

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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