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Another Cost Estimate Question
My parents bought land in the Puna District almost 17 years ago in hope of one day building a house and retiring. For all those years they have visited the BI and looked at the land, always thinking of that day. Of course things such as us kids, schooling, dentist, college, medical expenses, aging grandparents, etc have always prevented them from doing so. Us kids have sat down and realize that with their pensions (both reduced due to corporate bankruptcy claims), social security and the proceeds from the sale of their house; they could retire and live a normal life. But there is still no room in their budget to build a house. We don’t want them paying for the house if it means they have live in a severely diminished live style or worry about sudden medical expenses.

So we have decided that if the numbers work, us kids will pay for the house. This is the least we can do for them. I’ve had some designs drawn up through a friend and he was able to give me a cost estimate of material base on our local market. My sister and I hit the lumberyards on our last visit and got a sense of the general cost for material around Hilo.

Where we’re stumped is trying to estimate cost for the actual construction of the home. We (and my friend) have no idea how to estimate Hawaii cost for:
Framing (interior and exterior), Plumbing, Electrical, Post & Pier foundation, Drywalling, laying hardwood floors, tile labor, Septic, Catchment water, Metal roofing, and al those little things different from our cookie cutter on slab homes on the mainland. We also don’t know what other major things we should be estimating specific to Hawaii.

Does anyone have a general ball park idea of how to go about estimating these items?
Does anyone know a service near the Hilo or Puna area that does construction estimation that isn’t going to cost us a sizable amount? (Our local mainland service want’s several thousands to do a Hawaii estimate but even then they say they are using a base figure for HI labor rates)
Is there any builder out there that does general ballpark estimating?

None of the "sq. foot" numbers seem to make any sense, but if that's a good way, we'll use it.

We can do the interior finish stuff like painting, kitchen cabinets, connecting the fixtures etc, but will need the main stuff done by a pro. We’re basically trying to figure out how much it will cot for a completely framed house with exterior and interior walls completed, doors & windows hung, all electrical and plumbing rough in done, roof installed, and us doing finishing stuff.

I know this is very broad in scope but if we can get a handle on cost and if it looks like it’s within our combined budget, our parents are in for a great anniversary gift.



That is great that you and your brothers/sisters are planning to build your parents a home !!

Do use the "search" section of this site and read through all the topics regarding estimates. There are actually very recent estimation topics.

But make it simple on yourself and try not to itemize expenses before you know what exactly you are building.

Simple = pick a package home from HPM and double the cost of the package for an approximate cost to build.

Or go with $135 sq.ft. I find that a basic average.

There are many unknowns until you determine the home, lot work , etc. etc.

Greg Henderson

Yep, $130-$135/sq.ft., that's the average GCs are bidding for a new home now. We just finished two HPM package homes in Royal Hawaiian Estates in that price range. Maybe "Cat" will logon and give you a more detailed breakdown.

Typically Tropical Properties

Edited by - John S. Rabi on 06/17/2007 22:46:39
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Wow! I guess we're bidding 'em too low...We're usually at $115-120/sq.ft. for a turnkey house(not including excavation of course). Does your number include excavation?

Aloha kakou,
Speaking of pinching pennies when building, are there any construction salvage stores on the Big Island? There was an article in the Seattle paper yesterday about building material recycling centers. Check out the Online Inventory at this place, for instance:

Mahalo nui for any response,

Aloha pumehana,
Brian and Mary
Lynnwood, WA\Discovery Harbour
Wow! I guess we're bidding 'em too low...We're usually at $115-120/sq.ft. for a turnkey house(not including excavation of course). Does your number include excavation?

Yes it does, it includes everything, septic and catchment too. Maybe I should talk to you for the next house! Smile

Typically Tropical Properties
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Thanks for the info.

I tried doubling the material cost and the house comes out at around $35 a square foot labor & material. Seems low. Using a sq foot cost of $130, the house comes out around $700,000. Big difference.

To make things more confusing, a local GC here looked at the plan this morning and said it's a contractors dream home. Simple to erect, open spaces, rectangle, stock framing, etc. They estimated a cost around $60 a sq foot for slab, framing, sheet rocking, trim, plumbing, electrical, and standards shingle roof. But they kept saying Hawaii is vastly different.

I guess what I need is a service in the Hilo/Puna districts that can do a cost estimator based on local conditions and the actual plan. But I can't seem to find anyone. The lumberyards can do general material cost, but not the probable labor cost. The one contractor I did contact was way to vague using a general sq foot which was three times the estimated cost to build it here.

I don't want to waste anyone's time estimating if it’s just a generic amount that does not reflect the actual building, yet I can't find a commercial construction estimating company on the BI that's reliable in their estimates.

Any suggestions for a person thousands of miles away? I have the preliminary floor plan and elevation completed. But like I said, everyone here looks at it and don’t know what to say because it looks nothing like what we have and is designed for function not “my house is taller and more ornate than your house”

Try Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management
808 217-7578
"We help make building your dream home a reality"

Typically Tropical Properties
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Thanks for the referral John!

Bob - I emailed you if you have so time to talk.
Bob, just so you know, building in Hawaii is vastly different than most other places. Our price for a basic kit home without upgrades/mods., is $110/sq.ft. This icludes everything except the lot prep. It seems as though we are on the lower end of the price spectrum, so unless your going to owner build and take on some of the work yourself, I dont think your going to get it done much cheaper than that over here.


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