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Cell Tower in Leilani
I hope the Leilani Board shoots this down before it goes any farther, but I wanted to let as many Leilani residents/owners know what's going on.

My husband and I received a letter from Cascadia PM asking if we would be interesting in leasing the back portion of our land so that a 100 to 120 foot cell tower could be built for Verizon.

We called the representative from Cascadia and told him about the covenants and restrictions, and he said he was planning on attending the next Leilani Board meeting and asking for their approval.

We've sent an e-mail to the Board to notify them and to request that this action be disapproved.

However, we have no idea of knowing how many other lot owners have also been approached.

If the Board rejects this, but the County approves it, could this monstrosity still be built?

I hope the Leilani Board shoots this down before it goes any farther, but I wanted to let as many Leilani residents/owners know what's going on.

My husband and I received a letter from Cascadia PM asking if we would be interesting in leasing the back portion of our land so that a 100 to 120 foot cell tower could be built for Verizon.

We called the representative from Cascadia and told him about the covenants and restrictions, and he said he was planning on attending the next Leilani Board meeting and asking for their approval.

We've sent an e-mail to the Board to notify them and to request that this action be disapproved.

However, we have no idea of knowing how many other lot owners have also been approached.

If the Board rejects this, but the County approves it, could this monstrosity still be built?


you know the old cliche, " money talks and BS walks"? I'm sure Verizon has approached the necessary people to make their tower there one way or another . Other than it being an "eye sore",what other reasons do you resent it being in Leilani Estates?

Do you folks have DSL or Cable in Leilani Estates already?


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Actually, the cell phone companies have very artful ways of disguising the towers as trees or other structures. I can understand how you don't want one of these on your property. What I don't get is how everybody wants to be able to get cell phone reception everywhere they go, yet nobody wants a tower anywhere in their neighborhood. I should disclose that I've worked for cell phone companies for the last 8 years. It really is customers #1 complaint that their phone can't get a signal in X, Y, and Z location. Yet when it comes to getting approval to build sites, you'd be amazed at how much outrage it stirs up. That's just my 2 pennies, but does anybody else notice this?

We need wireless service in lower Puna. I hope someone agrees to a tower on the rift. If not in Leilani Estates, somewhere nearby.

I just talked with the President of the Board, he said nobody approached them to attend a Board meeting and they have not heard anything about any new cell tower there. BTW, for those of you who didn't know (or noticed) there already is a cell tower in lower Leilani Estates.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

As we haven't been able to move to Hawaii yet, we haven't built on our lot and bought without seeing it in person (yes, we are crazy, I know).

The main reasons I resent it is because of it being an eyesore and because of the covenants and restrictions in Leilani, which only allow single family residences.

We could definitely use the moolah, and if everyone in Leilani wants it, then heck ya, especially if it could be cleverly disguised. It's just knowing how we personally wouldn't like to live next to cell tower and have it ruin a nice natural view, it's hard to agree in good conscience to do anything like that to our neighbors if they opposed it.

John, where is the current tower located?

I once worked out a cell tower deal for my disabled father-in-law. He owned the top of a mountain near Dallas, Oregon, and the tower companies were fighting over it. They made every improvement to the property we wanted - ran in power & water, improved the road to fire dept specs. 25 year land lease ratchets up every five, at the end of which they have to come back to the table to renegiate. Can you say "gotcha"? There's one on a golf course in Las Vegas that I had to have someone show me where and how it was manmade - looked just like a tree - no joke. Make 'em jump through the hoops and write the big checks; good on ya. And we need the service.

You know Wendy, If you're concerned over the cell towers, how they will look, how they will impact the value of your property, or how board members will vote, you can always approach those who have the power to approve or disapprove a cell tower and suggest that if they are in favor of cell towers and will vote to approve one, that they set the example by agreeing to have one erected on their property. Bet the response you get for why their property isn't a good location will also make for an interesting debate at a board meeting. When an elected individual has the luxury of voting yes or no when it does not involve them personally, they can wash over the personal impact on others, "the greater good" thing. But make them the ones personally impacted and suddenly…..

Example, I got a call from a resident who was complaining (real nasty) about the delay in getting a radar speed display sign installed. He went on and on about the children, some his. I explained that the delay was due to lack of property for installing the sign. The city does not own any property on his street but the physical roadbed. The curbs and beyond were private property. But since he was so concern about the children, how about I send over an authorization for us to use a 3' X 3' portion of his lawn for the sign. Guess how much concern he now had for the children?

What Leilani should do is put it on the communal land where the park and meeting house is and use the revenues to supliment the road or maintenance fund.

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It always amazes me of the misconceptions people have of cell towers.

Some people think that by not having any around they are some how more healthy from not getting radiation. That is far from the truth, the closer you are to a cell tower the lower the power phone's in the area have to increase power to connect to a weak tower.

Like others have mentioned... They can disguise a cell tower to look like pine or palm tree type in cell tower in google then click on images... pretty impressive.

Not to bail out of this topic but does anyone know when or if the new cell tower in orchid land might be installed? There was a big stir about one going in at some church close to the highway and the board even approved of it but still no tower there...


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