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Important Puna Transportation Meeting
Hi Glen, I spotted you there I believe but we will connect sometime.

Sunshine Law question:

The Puna Commuity Development Plan (PCDP) has a Steering Committee (SC) of about nine members. They are appointed by the county and are subject to the Sunshine Law which means they are not allowed to meet in private, without public meeting notices and agenda.
A county lawyer produced an idiot opinion that the Sunshine Law meant that more than two of them can't attend a meeting like the one you saw.

As you saw some of them didn't like that.

I think that lawyer is a fool. One could take that opinion and say they can't attend chuech, a concert, a movie or whatever if more than two SC members are there.

On the meeting overall: I had hopes that the transportation consultant would have a well constructed plan to put forward, He had, and wanted to focus on, the easy obvious stuff. The deep thinking was apparenltly too deep for him and he wants to defer long term planning for a long time. Geez. This firm's getting paid too much money to do so little. Circles and charts and arrows but little real planning.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Is anybody surprised? This is what we always get. And Glenn, looking at the PMAR 10 years from now is absolutely warp speed for the State highway guys. It will be interesting to see what they come up with if one of the main roads is cut by the volcano.


I didn't attend... From what I read about it... in the paper... I had to laugh... They brought up money shortages due to Iraq and bridge collapsing. Sigh.... Pass the buck... BS...

Suggestions that people come up with are kinda off beat and wishful thinking....

Roundabouts cost tons of cash and well, you don't get very many for the money you pay... And the other suggestion of closing the Keaau bypass at the school isn't going to solve anything ... There is still going to be a lot of traffic and the bottle neck will remain...

I guess the way I see it, first continue the four lane highway to the end of makuu dr... Put a few lights in and plenty of turning lanes at Shower, Paradise, Orchidland Drive and wherever else they might be needed...

Now before anyone starts jumping on me .. I don't even live on those roads I just know its busy there and would be hell to get across or to turn into or out of those lanes... This would also solve the bottleneck problem. Tho, I have no idea how much it would cost... But that is the best solution for the $$...

Seems to me like the meeting didn't go well at all...

It seems to me that our property taxes have doubled and then some in just short of 3 years, personally speaking. Where are those dollars allocated any ideas?

The consultant needs job security, who appointed this consultant?

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
On further reflection regarding the Aug. 8th Transportation Presentation I sent the following letter out to the PCDP primary consultant - John Whalen and the tranportation consultant Wayne Yosioka:

Wayne Yosioka and John Whalen,

I’m not going to beat around the bush. Your work to date is compromised by your failure to address the PMAR issue. Your firm is purported to be a professional transportation consultant yet you completely fail to address the implications of HPP approaching full build out. The suggestions you have made, and failed to make to date, assure that Puna will be facing deadly and chronic traffic problems for at least the next generation.

By viewing the charts at your presentation the statistics you provided show HPP contributes approximately 70% of the peak hour congestion on Hwy. 130. HPP is approximately 20% built out today and is rapidly growing. Without an alternative route to provide HPP residents an alternative to Hwy. 130 through and from HPP all of your “short term solutions” will be overcome before they are completed. The result of your lack of vision will be constant construction, modifying, amending, lane adding and danger on Hwy. 130. The two lane will build to a four lane which will build to a six lane and at least two things will occur.

Nonstop traffic woes just like every other location served by such planning vision and Puna will irrevocably be changed from the rural district the PCDP input wants to maintain.

The 20 plus years of nonstop construction might serve the construction industry just fine. It will not serve the residents of Puna very well.

At least three PMAR proposals have been put forth in the PCDP process. James Weatherford’s, David Fukumoto’s and mine. You have made no mention of any of them to date. I want to see your analysis, charted positive and negative attributes, of each of these proposals. If your firm is creative enough to bring forth a fourth proposal then, by all means, do so. Do read the PCDP Transportation report and respond to it.

You may not enjoy this note but I am a resident of this district and you are not. I and my neighbors have to live or die with the results of this process and you do not.

Rob Tucker
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Thank you so much for your take on the situation, and your letter to the 'consultants'. I am currently building a home in HPP, where I will live full time as soon as it is completed, so this subject is very near to my heart. As soon as I'm able to relocate I plan to get involved in local issues (after a learning curve period to prevent the 'foot in mouth' syndrome)such as traffic, HPP's homeowner association with special reference to the bizarre voting rules, and other green topics. Look forward to meeting you soon.


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