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Volcano acting up
wow glennoid, that makes it look like it will stay on the north side of the rift zone. That is a great overlay.
Fantastic graphic, glennoid. That makes it crystal clear where the flow is in relation to Puna subdivisions. The flow seems small right now, but if it continues unabated, eventually, it looks like it would no longer be in the middle of nowhere,and looks like it could go right through the deli section at Malama Market. We will hope it does not and that good old reliable Pu'u O'o kicks in again, and sends this stuff harmlessly to the ocean.

HEY JERRY --those are very clear directions! Thank you! I can print that out, put it in the rental car and go! It does look like though that I need to invest in some really good flashlights. I might also need a really hunky half naked Hawaiian to carry me the last one hundred yards, in case I grow faint. That's where the Malama market comes in! Hope the lava doesn't get it first!

Very nice graphic!


Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Wow, Glennoid, I am very impressed. Is there a special section of Google Earth that lets you do that, or do you use separate software?


Edited by - JerryCarr on 08/20/2007 19:06:37
It looks to me that folks in Black Sand Beach sub should be worried, as it looks like they are downhill from that area? Maybe I'd better make reservations to have my "new" Nanawale house be made "ready to move" eh? I just left the BI Saturday, as I have many loose ends to tie up before I can stay there. The earthquake was the only scarey thing, other than one insurance office told me that their offshore company had a "moratorium" for any new coverage on the island. I went to another company and got signed up Friday, for both huricane and the usual fire and theft policy.

Jerry, that was done with the public / free version of Google Earth.


Time is an illusion, but a handy one. Without it, we would not be able to hear sounds, and without that ability, we would have no music.
You need a later version of Google Earth to get the overlay feature.

Hey, everyone!

Thought you all might want to know that Jim Kauahikaua, Scientist-in-Charge at the USGS HVO, conveyed to me today that there are "obviously many possibilities for the future of this eruption and its lava flows" and he is in the process of putting together a quick publication to outline the possibilities so everyone can have the same information.

In Pele We Trust

Haole, thanks for the update. I hope you can send us the link to Jim's publication!

Uh-oh. Just when I thought it was safe to go crusing down Highway 130 again in a rented convertible.

Honestly, I can't believe I was ever hung up on the frogs.


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