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Peaceful protest alive and well
I'm really happy to see residents excercising their right to peacfully protest an issue that's so emotional to neighbor islanders. I hope the people of Kauai serve as an inspiration to all of us (whether for or against) to get off our butts and let the government hear us. We shouldn't fear our government, our government should fear us.

I'm agnostic on the Superferry, but wanted to support your sentiment.

Well said! On a related note, the web's news sites have been reporting that numerous red flags have been appearing which indicate that we are being prepared for another false flag event.

Hopefully, they won't try it, but (God forbid),if they hit us again, I'm afraid we'll see what we the people are made of.

Personally, I'm not confident that we have what it takes to respond like adults to another manufactured crisis. Scary time for those of us who stay informed on current events.

The stellar, <>, Hawaii based news and opinion site is covering all this.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Hear, hear! Greg! It's totally disheartening the way our officials ignore, lie, disdain and totally roll over the public.

There have been numerous hearings and small protests in the past regarding the health of Hilo Bay, followed by numerous assurances that state and federal officials were totally monitoring the situation and making sure we were all safe, healthy, and clean.

So imagine my frustration when I was kayaking in Hilo Bay just outside the Naniloa Hotel when a cruise ship left the dock to head back out to sea. It would have been totally outside the breakwater in less than 15 minutes but it dumped its filthy effluence right there going by the Naniloa. I couldn't believe the stench! And the water was actually bubbling so I pulled my paddle out of the water as I was afraid it would be dissolved in the unknown chemicals being dumped!

Yes, other business operations have not been subject to EIS requirements but that doesn't mean they shouldn't, or that the SuperFerry shouldn't.

And for those of you who are looking for the driving economic force behind the SuperFerry, I just want to relay that my Air Force bro-in-law assigned to StealthBomber duty told me more than five years ago SuperFerry was gonna happen because of the military Stryker force buildup at Pohakuloa! This was before it was being reported on locally at all.

So, to me, it's just more of the militarization of Hawaii. To which Hawaii's public gets as much input as it did from the sale of our landline telephone company Verizon to Carlyse's (military contractor)!

Malama pono, Frankie

Boo Hoo

it seems the only people that like the cruise ships are the few people who make money from them, the rest just get screwed

I'm confused. How does the Superferry screw anyone.

I'm confused. How does the Superferry screw anyone.

i'm talking about the cruise ships

Sorry. My brain was on Superferry. I promise to wear my glasses from now on.


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