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Home Windmills
Thanks for the tip!


Do you really have two inverters? Two charge controlers? Our fridge is the biggest puller on our system too. We added more batteries to our bank and it works great. No need to downsize if you like your fridge. What size of batteries do you have? We could barely run our fridge on 16 425 amp hour batteries. Its not a real big one either. Have you had any problems with your system or is there anything you don't like about it?

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond

You are correct -- it's two charge controllers, not inverters. We have the large L16 ones. I'm not the engineer in the family, obviously!

So far (been in place and use for 2 years), we're very happy with the system. However, this is not an install-and-forget-about-it system, as the batteries do need maintenance periodically. Probably the only glitchy aspect is the generator. We have an older Honda gas generator, and have wired it so that it can feed directly into the inverter, charging the batteries and running whatever. It's not an elegant solution, and is rough on some electronics. We blew a capacitor in our flash water heater with it, the clothes drier won't run at all, and the washing machine complains as well. Solution is to not use those items for the hour or two the generator is running. That said, the weather this year has meant we've only used it a couple of times.


We had some similar problems with our first inverter. The diference was it was all the time. After we got a newer inverter all the problems went away. We dont have a generator, we still have a helco connection. Though we hardly use it, it comes in handy. Mostly for equalizing batteries, or running shop equipment. Its a good feeling to be self sufficient energy wise.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Daniel, would you mind sharing which brand inverter and batteries you are using?

The inverter is the SW series inverter/charger 4024 made by Xantrex. It runs at 60 Hz, so you can't tell the difference bewteen the inverter power and the city power, like you can other inverters. (With other motors hum...certain electronics don't work...lights buzz...) SW series is a very good inverter. As for batteries we use the interstate workaholic UL-16 (eight) and UL-16HC (sixteen). That is 24 total. About 9800 amp hours. On sunny days we turn on all our fans and the pool pump to use up all the extra power. Also our system includes 3 60 amp outback charge contolers and 32 130 watt kyocera panels on a tracker. Works great. Runs the whole house and then some.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Gosh would you solar guys if you don't mind switching your train of thought to another thread I'll bring it forward it began a couple of years back......boy has it been that long already...anyway it has great subject matter and a better place for all your great solar input....

Aloha HADave

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.


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