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Here is a site monitoring earthquakes.
Did anyone in Fern Acres, Glenwood, Eden Roc, or Mountain View feel this earth shaking event? Being born and raised in earthquake country, I enjoy other peoples thoughts on these occurrences. Looks like it was quite close to our new neighbor Lo'ihi the submerged and growing new baby island in the chain. Fascinating!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Where was this eartquake because the other night while in bed my dog got up and barked at something she heard which i rare. I think it coincided with the time of quaake

frank battaglia
We felt it in Mountain View! It woke us up. We live in a container and heard all kinds of things rattling around. I didn't know what was going on at first and I flew out of bed and turned on my flashlight. My husband said "must be an earthquake". It's the second one we've felt since being here. The first was on Christmas day and we were at a neighbor's house.

Yes, we definitely felt in Hawaiian Parks/Beaches. Woke us with a hard jolt and the dogs too! First one for us-ever, we came from tornado country.
usgs gauged as a 5.1 on the richter scale.


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