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Anybody seen the Jason Scott Lee article in Midweek?

Also check out "livingpono" embedded in the article- sounds like a plan! Though I will need my tv!!!

Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer
Oh. man. Twenty five acres. Zone 6. Hot guy with residuals. Half Hawaiian; the other half yowza yowza. Where did I go wrong in my life? That was my destiny! And who got him to pose like that? Jason Lee, if you need me call 867-5309!

What a great article.
My first trip to the Philippines to meet my wife's family and I learned the same simple truth, These people had nothing but were so happy always smiling and laughing, so willing to share with others. Man that trip had a profound impact on my life.

Glen, Jason has a great theater up on his Volcano property. Our old HPP next door neighbor was doing a play at the theater (JSL & neighbor had done work in tinseltown). We were invited to opening night of "Burn This" at his theater & got to meet Jason....he was very nice... Anyhoo, if you want to do wayyyyy off broadway, one of your new HPP neighbors (other side of Beach Ave, short bike ride) can probably get you an audition Wink

Wow, Carey. It gets so cool up there, and yet you were so close to the flame! I am going to start practicing my lines tonight, in hopes that I will get a chance to perform them later on. Be still my heart.

Lee -- I had the very same lesson when I went to Italy for the first time. People were just very, very happy (or so it seemed) everywhere I went. Many had nothing (not five bedroom house, no this, not that), but they just had a positive sharing outlook on life.

It really is all mental. Things get in the way sometimes.

But JSL, he would NEVER be in the way!

I had the pleasure of meeting Jason many years ago. He use to take his girlfriend surfing in Waikiki Beach. I meet him through a mutual friend and fellow co-worker the late Dino Ching. It was before Jason amde the move to the Big Island, he was living in Waimanalo if my memory serves me correct?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Thanks a bunch, Beachboy. You totally ruined my fantasy. Oh, well, it probably wouldn't have worked out anyway.

Jason has closed Ulua Theater for now to focus more on farming. Although he doesn't say so, I think he think he got some complaints from some of our stick-in-the-mud neighbors for some of his events. Also, when the venue's open, he's open to invasion of privacy from groupies. I've seen one person working him at his place and it's pretty annoyiing.

I've seen a rough cut of the documentary [Living Pono] and it's a very good telling of what he's been doing. He grows some very tasty taro [not grown for commercial purposes]. It's amazing considering that he's doing it in the rainforest.

My wife and I became movie fans of his after seeing "Map of the Human Heart" and "Rapa Nui". But we were more thrilled to find out that he was practicing Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming techniques locally.
I just saw clips of the documentary and I have this to say: The farm is beautiful. You can feel the rumble and steam of the volcano beneath it. Jason chooses simplicity and, if I could, I would choose to learn about the taro which grows so big in the mud, and which he cleans off so quickly and expertly with his fingers. The rain comes down and cleanses everything. And the birds how they chatter! And how I would love to hear them carry their stories on the wind, and how I would love to give them a story to carry. Jason does not fear the camera, he embraces it. He says take me as I am....full of laughter, and one finger poi --one big long elegant finger that is raised to the lips and and which brings delight.

Okay, I gotta go jump off Akaka falls now.

Oh boy, he's very attractive inside and out.


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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