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I am a teacher in Puna. I would never advise any teacher from the mainland to come here and attempt to teach. Kids are a pain, admin is worthless and fellow teachers have their own little world and never come out to see what is going on.

Hmmmm.... I have a neighbor that sounds like you.

Teaching can be a thankless profession I am sure. Admin can be difficult at best. Parents can be ove rinvolved or not involved at all. Kids well kids are kids. Not perfect. I am really glad though that some of our teachers stay despite the obstacles.

To all you out there who teach - my thanks.
I am a teacher in Puna. I would never advise any teacher from the mainland to come here and attempt to teach. Kids are a pain, admin is worthless and fellow teachers have their own little world and never come out to see what is going on.

Yeah, that

I found this but don't know the date it happened.
Glen, if you just simply look at the amount of money being spent, you might think the schools are well-funded. But if you look closer and see what they spend it on, look out! Facilities construction and maintenance costs are artificially high due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, byzantine bidding procedures, requirements that contractors pay union scale wages even if not unionized, occasional bid rigging, sometimes corruption, and other good old boy techniques. Teacher pay is barely adequate for singles, and, as others have noted, not really sufficient to raise a family.

There are no local school boards, and the economies of scale that one might expect from such a centralized arrangement are lost due to inept long-distance management from Honolulu. The charter schools, which have shown some promising results, are not funded to the same extent as the poorer performing regular schools. (Success and innovation must be punished and suppressed at all costs, being threats to the bureaucratic norm.) In addition to a lower funding formula, the number of charter schools and public-to-charter conversions is restricted to a level far short of the demand.

Add to all the above a reputation for racial discord and hooliganism in some of the East Hawaii schools (Kea'au High has had some particularly nasty incidents,) and you don't get a pretty picture.

Other people have less negative opinions, but that's mine based on conversations with educators and postings here on Punaweb.

Not so cheerful on this subject,

Edited by - JerryCarr on 10/14/2007 15:35:40

one more reason why I support the idea of a 'State Lottery' with 20% of funds going to state education.

The teaching situation has been so bad in Hawaii for close to ten years or more. A lot of the teachers on Oahu are on one year contracts from other states. Pay scale is lower here in Hawaii, not sure why? But its a fact of life here.

For the love of life I'll never ,ever be able to figure out why a teacher hardly makes anything yet a professional Athletes, or proffessional entertainers makes heeps of cash....where is the logic?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Do the schools in East Hawai`i have the infamous "Kill a Haole" day? And I thought Kea`au was the good school district in Puna?

no school in all of Hawaii escapes "Kill Haole Day", none! But must of them also have "Choke a Moke day" too to help balance things out, and of course the imfamous "Slap a Jap day"too is never to far from the students minds..

Keaau school district is probably the worse in the entire state! Keaau Middle School had more violence than the high school by tenfolds! I pulled out my one boy after a half semester. The administration at the school had it's head up it's ass.
I now have my child ina Charter school, which for me is an all around win-win situation.

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
thanks Beachboy --
I heard so much of the wondeful Kea`au elementary school, and how much property values went up because of the great school, but sounds like the value went into the physical improvements ..

The incident at Waters of Life that someone posted a link for was spring of 05. It stemmed from a minor dispute over a cell phone and escalated into an invasion of the School site. Girl Scouts were the landlord and in classic punish the victim fashion evicted the school virtually the next day. FYI Waters of Life is not a mostly caucasion or "haole" school, over 75% of the students self identify as at least part Hawaiian. The school itself does not have a history of violence amongst the students, probably less than most in Hawaii, due to the small size and closeness of the student body.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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