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News about Dog Chapman
Aloha Girl, well I guess hindsight is 20/20...aye?

Hey have you seen the new Nip/Tuck? Gawd I love that show - okay I know that's another thread so back to Dawg.

I checked out the SP Cartman Dawg...very funny!


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
OMG, I could be that in some eyes, but I don't know how you got that from my post. [quote]

My right wing radar is like spider senses.

"To my loss, I probably have had the pleasure of more than my share of exposure to people who are similar in many ways to Dog and crew. Maybe because of that I am less outraged or shocked or can even be oblivious to it."

This is bad. If you know this about yourself and your past, and you don't do something about it (to have a different reaction-or even one at all), are you any better? (I felt this especially when I read the following):

"My biggest annoyance was that such a$$es could get so rich compared to my paltry income (yes with my viewing support). Of course, he isn"t alone in that catagory. OK, that was my right wing rant."

That was your biggest annoyance?
(insert scooby doo sound here)

(oh, and when you put the part in there about how you have little income yet support those on the right-it is not unheard of. As a matter of fact, nearly all people who vote that way shoot themselves in the foot.)

I know that this isn't a political forum. However, if you could reread what I have pulled out of your reply, and pretend that you did not write them, but rather are reading what someone else wrote, let me know what you think about some of the observations I have made. I certainly made them not to fight or judge but to show you what someone else may think about what you wrote.


It seems VERY un-Chrisitan to sit around and debate if some one meets your definition of a Christian.

I am also not a Christian. I was making a point about his hypocrisy.

Let's hope they give Beth (and her big Christian boobs) her own show.


I have to say that I do love Beth. I would watch her solo. She is a lot of fun. Her boobs cause me pain to watch however-I am sure they cause her pain too.

To Nightowl: please tell me (someone from the mainland who doesn't know nearly enough about Hawaii) what was this particular Pow Wow about? Were there tribes or "Native Americans" on Hawaii at some point like we think of from the Mainland, or is it an import of relocated mainland Indians or some kind of hybrid? Mahalo for allowing my ignorance.

It is okay,tahnks for asking.The POW WOW is Native American Indian.It is an intertribal thing on Oahu every year,where local Indians and some from the mainland get together.That POW WOW at Thomas Square has always beed cursed though.Bad things keep happening to the POW WOW at that location.LONG STORY

so much....and so little time

Thanks for the information.

To Julie: The Bear and I have spent a lot of time in a part of the UK where "cheers" has multiple meanings, including, but not limited to:

Have a good one
That's all right
Bye for now
No worries
Thank you
You're welcome
A toast

I don't even drink alcohol, so I rarely make toasts. Think of it as an all-purpose salutation like ummm . . . aloha.Wink


I know all of this-but for some reason, I just hate this expression. I cannot give you any good reason. It makes no sense to me either. I guess also I like when coming into my little version of Hawaii (this forum)-to hear some Mahalo and Aloha. It is kind of like getting the lea at the airport.

for all that cares, the Dogster has been removed from A & E, for how long? Who knows for sure if he will be walked back in when A & E's rating go south? After all, just the other day the media was informed that Don Imus is on his way back in, ABC Radio has hired Imus. Of course I don't see Dog getting nearly half the backing Imus got at anytime soon..

Bad Dog!!! Well, it's aloha to the Chapman family. I give them perhaps one year before they return to their roots in a "Trailer Park" in Colorado..

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Although I am disgusted with what he said and how he feels, I don't like it when someone is censored in this manner. And the reason is the constitution. We should still be allowed our 1st amendment rights of free speech. (This was also a private conversation not meant to be sent out on the airwaves.) I am not a fan of the show, I am not a fan of Dog's beliefs, I do not condone racism, but I am a fan of free speech. (If you can't even speak freely in your own home to your own son, I mean we are all really screwed, no?)

It is kind of like getting the lea at the airport.

That's lei.... but don't mind me - I am dylexic so when I type I reverse n & g's... and l's and d's..
"I do not condone racism, but I am a fan of free speech."

You're correct that Dog has a right to spout his ignorant BS, but A&E also has a right to choose who represents them to the public.

Fire his ass.

Edited by - greg on 11/03/2007 20:06:00
So we got trailer trash, convicted murderer, born again christian, racist! In other words a real patriotic american. WOW I see future presidential material here !!


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