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Blue Hawaiian
simple fly over the ocean to the volcano and stop flying over our houses

We have talked about that, more than once. It is actually a safety concern for us. The water conditions on the windward side of the Island are most often not conducive to uneventful water landings. The weight of the helicopters transmission and rotor system are above the aircrafts center of gravity, thus making it prone to rollover in even light sea conditions. Trying to evacuate several people from an aircraft inverted and underwater presents some significant issues. We do fly off shore, but the statistics turn against you when you begin to do this as a matter of routine..Then of course ther are the SHARKS!!!

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:49:21
I've lived on the Big Island for a little over 20 years. For awhile ('til a tremendously-annoyed extremely-bright artist-neighbor painted "Helicopters Crash" on his roof), we were directly in the flight path.

Funny I've never been able to understand why visitors would want to fly over a bunch of houses anyhow. Particularly when there's a much more beautiful way to do things.

Perhaps they're not given the choice?
Perhaps the companies are into it more for the money than the potential pleasure that it brings?

In any case, I know that if I were to ever want to take a helicopter flight, I would want the most bang for my buck.

I would choose the company that offered trips along the beautiful coastline, over water to the lava field and up. I'd want to see the contrast of colors. I'd like to think that in addition to seeing the vent, seeing a whale was a possibility.

And were I to be a visitor, and hear that the company I'd chosen to fly with had actually changed their policies, changed their routes so as to be good neighbors, I'd feel even better about my choice.

And I would tell others.


Edited by - malolo on 11/10/2007 07:59:32

We have changed our routes several times over the years in an effort to accomadate the situation at hand. We have worked with community groups and the FAA to find workable solutions and then implemented them. Hilo is a difficult place as each solution seems to create new areas of concern. The point of this forum is to start the process again and continue to work toward a very elusive goal.

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:50:03
Welcome to PW Darl!! Good to hear from you. Your being open to hearing what the locals think is very diplomatic and willingness to communicate is essential.

This thread has started on a great note, and as oink stated, don't be dissuaded by some darts being tossed your's just part of the deal!! Welcome!


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

Thank you, look forward to the discussion

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:50:35
Darl - thank you for your obviously sincere post. I have been negatively impacted by your companies flight path for years. I am speaking of the traffic that comes over from the South Kohala heliport. A few years ago I called and began a dialog with Eric Lincoln who was very nice on the phone. But after numerous conversations, and swapping of emails etc., including maps, nothing changed. And, all that I was hoping for was a slight change in your flight path, to an area with no development what so ever. But alas, even with all of Eric's assurance that my request was reasonable and that he would direct the pilots to make the change, your helicopters still find it necessary to offer your passengers views of my house as a part of your tours. In fact, I assume it is because the nation park will not allow you all to fly over the the summit, most of your company flights like to do a complete 360 turn over the volcano village area while on your way to the Puu Oo vents. This, especially when there is an alternative that does not impact anyone, is not necessary, at least to me. But alas, I made my complaint, and was given a whitewash, and as much as I would like to see change in this matter I had to conclude at the time I have way too much on my plate that needs my attention than to bang my head against that one. Of course if there is a real concerted effort I surely will join in with my vote.

I guess Darl I am asking, if spending all that time with Eric did not get me anywhere, what can one do to effect reasonable change shy of getting upset and going to the ends that the community repeatedly finds itself regarding this matter?

I agree this has been a recurring problem area. We seem to do well for awhile and then lapse back into old routines. I will take responsibility for that. I can do a better job at monitoring our operations along that area of the coast. I get busy and think that we have solved the issue, only to find that a few of the pilots need to be reminded of the problem.

Thank You.

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:51:04
Aloha, Darl. I'm impressed that you'd join this group after what I've read elsewhere on this website. I'm also fairly impressed with the responses, so far, from the Punatics. People can disagree without being disagreeable, and reasonable people can find compromise solutions to problems, if they want to, and are willing to work at it. You've apparently started a necessary dialogue off on a pleasant note.

For what it's worth, I hope that some flight corridor or other arrangement can be found that impacts the homeowners below in the least amount possible, yet maintains the ability for people from around the world to come and enjoy helicopter flights over Volcano National Park.

I have no idea what the appropriate or minimal impact solution would be. I hope you are able to work with the local citizens to develop that solution. No matter what happens, you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Good luck and mahalo.

How do I know?

Edited by - mgeary on 11/10/2007 11:46:23

Thank you for your post. I do not have all the answers, but this is where we should start so that all the information can be put on the table and we can work together to find the best solution.

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:51:32
Ok happy happy, now what?
Like loffelkopffl? said, WHY? not just fly around along the coast? The whales can't call and complain, but why? back and forth, and back and forth across HPP. Until the day one drops on a house?
I gave up complaining about this along with the frogs. As long as there are people willing to pay to fly over homes, without concern to who they disturb below, there will be companies like Blue Hawaii that will take them there. $$$

I replied to an earlier post with regards to flying offshore as a matter of routine. I belive my response ahould be able to be viewed by all.


Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:46:26

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:52:12
"Perhaps the companies are into it more for the money than the potential pleasure that it brings?"

Oh cmon Mo why be so neg. I'm sure they do it for the mere fact that they get to share the beautiful island with visitors.

Ok maybe not... I think that FUEL COST added to the fact that most of the tours are advertised and/or directed to the summit is the root of the problem. (as the crow flys)

Aviation Fuel is very expensive here and even moreso there. I think the bottom line is money. Don't get me wrong I certainly hope that Darl and the offended parties can work out a compromise for all concerned.


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

Saw a great sign the other day that pretty well sums up the fuel cost thing:
Reg -$LOL
Unleaded -$OMG
Premeium -$WTF

We would be more than willing to look seriously at any route that would provide a workable solution to the problem. We do not at this time fly direct routes to and from the eruption site as a matter of routine.

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:52:46
Here is a positive post. Buy a frigen acre in Volcano. Bus the idiots that want to fly over the volcano to the acre that is a heli pad... Take off from there and save a crap load of $$$$ in fuel costs!

Problem solved... Oh and that acre should be boarding large forest reserves....

That also has been considered..

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:54:43
I think nearer the Volcano would work well for visitors. Many visitors plan to tour VNP the same day they plan to fly over the lava. They may be staying in Volcano the night before.

Hilo airport isn't that convenient for them as a start and end point, as many drive the round trip from Volcano.

(Blue Hawaiian flies the tour out of Waikoloa, doesn't it? So I suppose that wouldn't apply to this company.)

We fly from both the Hilo Airport and the Waikoloa Heliport.

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:55:19
I like that idea ericip ! Why couldn't they take off from land up there near volcano, maybe out of town. Sometimes they have trouble staying airborn and this way maybe they would minimize risk and noise to populated areas

The idea has been discussed but seemed to be met with alot of resistence.

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:55:54

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