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How many of you Punatics are owners of portable...
MP3 players, and what kind do you have?

I own two iPods first generation Nano(White), and the last generation of the mini iPod before the Nano appeared on the scene.
My iPod mini is used pretty much for 'Podcast' only, and my Nano is for hot sounds of the 70's!

Any of you folks out there own a Zune from M$? I already know they are "butt ugly"! I But 'm curious about how it works and sounds?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

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I have an RCA Lyra and a Palm Treo phone. Do they count?

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Beachboy, I'm ashamed to tell you that I own an iPod Shuffle (1st gen), iPod Nano (1st gen silver), an iPod Video (last gen), and an iPhone. I need help. i blame it on podcasting and youtube.

Mella & I have a pair of 4GB Creative ZENs as well as a 1st generation Zune (30 gig hard-drive based).

Overall I'd say the sound quality of the Zune is slightly worse than the ZEN's, but not enough to be consistently noticeable.

Earlier this week Microsoft introduced the 2nd iteration of the Zune in 80 gig HD based and 4GB & 8GB flash based flavors while discontinuing the original 30 giggers.

These remaining Zune 30s (while they last) represent some of the best deals out there in mp3dom IMO.,, Woot! and others have been offering them periodically for the last month at under $100 and MS has released software and firmware upgrades that give them the same capabilities as the new models.

My Zune is black, but they come in white in addition to "butt ugly" brown. No problem though, spend a couple bucks on a silicone skin and nobody'll know the diff.



Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

"I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No." - Craig T. Nelson
Mella & I have a pair of 4GB Creative ZENs as well as a 1st generation Zune (30 gig hard-drive based).

Overall I'd say the sound quality of the Zune is slightly worse than the ZEN's, but not enough to be consistently noticeable.

Earlier this week Microsoft introduced the 2nd iteration of the Zune in 80 gig HD based and 4GB & 8GB flash based flavors while discontinuing the original 30 giggers.

These remaining Zune 30s (while they last) represent some of the best deals out there in mp3dom IMO.,, Woot! and others have been offering them periodically for the last month at under $100 and MS has released software and firmware upgrades that give them the same capabilities as the new models.

My Zune is black, but they come in white in addition to "butt ugly" brown. No problem though, spend a couple bucks on a silicone skin and nobody'll know the diff.



Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

Gene, I'm curious did you buy the Zune because your a M$ "Fan Boy", or hate iPods & Apple?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Gene, I'm curious did you buy the Zune because your a M$ "Fan Boy", or hate iPods & Apple?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Fanboy?! . . . moi?? Not hardly, young Dukelet .

I bought the Zune cuz it was cheap, pure & simple . . . . . well, that and the fact that I think most Apple products are overpriced, proprietary examples of marketing over substance.

Nevertheless, you and Steve make a cute couple and I look forward to your engagement announcement!


Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

"I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No." - Craig T. Nelson
I have a 30gig Ipod that Erik got me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I didn't actually start using it until last year, when I started traveling a lot. Once I get the salon up and running, I think I'll figure out a way to hook it up to surround sound so I don't have to keep a bunch of CD's hangin around or buy music from a satellite service. Anyone know how to do that?

"How do you know i am mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the cat "or you wouldnt have come here."
Lotus, there are a couple ways to do what you want to do.

a) If you're going to have an AV or audio tuner as part of your shop's sound system, connect the ipod's audio out (the ear bud jack) to an input on the tuner and hook the surround sound speakers & sub woofer to the tuner's output.

b) or the cheap solution: buy an inexpensive FM Transmitter, a USB/AC Power Adapter to run it, and play your ipod thru any FM radio.



Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

"I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No." - Craig T. Nelson
Thanks for the tip!

"How do you know i am mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the cat "or you wouldnt have come here."
Nevertheless, you and Steve make a cute couple and I look forward to your engagement announcement!

woo, take it easy there Gene, nothing personal was meant by "fanboy", it's not a derogatory name.

But let me say this about M$ vs Apple. It's bit of a misconception in today's world calling Apple over priced don't you think? iPod will almost certainly out live a ZUNES, and that is just going strickly on M$ track record. Seems the only thing M$ has done right in the past several years is their xBox. Who would blow their hard earned money on Vista?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

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