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Thanks Rob
Perhaps we'll get back to sincere queries with responsible answers and more posting from those who faded into the background.
Maybe in the software upgrade you can turn off the "count" display that some have come to feel is so important. IM (not so) HO, quality is far better than quantity here.
Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
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Aloha kakou
(may there be friendship or love between us, greetings)
Rob - as others in this post have acknowledged - you have been fair and patient in your attention to disruptive postings. Pro's and Con's of a dialogue do not need to be acrimonious.
While I view PunaWeb as a source of all things Puna and Hawai'i it is not the only source. But for me it was and hopefully will be again - the most harmonious.
As David M said "Perhaps we'll get back to sincere queries with responsible answers and more posting from those who faded into the background."
I was one of the "faded".
'O wau no me ka mahalo
, (I am, [yours] respectfully)
Time will tell - are you listening?
Time will tell - are you speaking?
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Thanks Rob, great job, it has been tough wading thru all the blogging.
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I too thank you for your efforts. While I can enjoy a good debate or even a good natured argument, I support and heartily welcome your decision for stricter enforcement of your rules and desired decorum.
ps: I still reserve the right(?) to be a smart ass, on occasion.
Big Islander to be.
Edited by - oink on 12/09/2007 06:08:15
Big Islander to be.
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I just checked my profile. I was the 32 person to sign up and have been a member since 6/20/03. I guess you wouldn't be able to tell by the number of post I make. At first this site was pretty slow moving. I would only check it every few weeks and minimal post were here. Then things started picking up as the word got to everyone on a few of the other forums that there was a forum for Puna (+ our honorary member from Ninole, David M. who joined a few days after I did and has only 653 post). It is kind of odd. Most of you know both of us by moniker and some in person yet we don't post that often. Sorry David, not meaning to single you out but thought about that when I saw your name a few behind me today. Don't know why I am mentioning # of post & length of registration. Guess I just wanted to convery I have watched this site grow. I read it every day & would post more often but I mostly read it at work and it is easier to read than post while at work.
Once Konaweb started booting folks for good this site became very active. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It is actually a good thing. Before the mass exodus on Kweb anytime one of us would tell a Kweb newbie to check this site our post would be deleted and there would be a discussion of how lots of other forums have tried but failed. I find that funny because there are quite a few busy "moving to Hawaii" type forums out there.
I like that we can talk about whatever on this site. I like that we can engage in some heated topics. I like that, for the most part, it ends with civility. I like that most of us can agree to disagree. I think some people have good intent with there message but have a hard time delivering (sometimes I am one of those with this problem). I think some of us get bruised too easily.
Trolling & flaming are just part of the internet. Think of these people as drunk party crashers or obnoxious uncle Larry that always ruins Thanksgiving by starting a fight with Aunt Betty's new boyfriend.
There are a lot of post that I have wanted to get involved in and really fight and be all opinionated & such. But since I realize how it can be mistaken I stop before I hit post and, most times, decide not to post what I have just type with such passion - which can be confused for aggression. Most of the trolls/flamers go away pretty quickly if you ignore them. Well, there was that one pesky one that has hit every Hawaii forum...I am sure that one will resurface at some point under a different name.
I like this forum. I like that I have made many friends & contacts through it. I have learned a lot about moving & current events on the island. Funny thing, some of my friends in Hilo/Puna do not visit this site. I think they find me a geek for doing so. They recently called to tell me about this guy that almost drowned and was saved by hanging on to a cooler. I cut them off pretty quick. I know the guy & the story. This happens quite often. They mention watching SuperFerry info & volcano flow stuff on the news. I have to let them know I see both sides of development being fought out daily. I knew about the Wal Mart supercenter cancellation before they did. They have quit giving me any news. (quick side note on the ferry, I saw it docked in HNL a few weeks ago, that thing is huge!)
Anyways, the gist of my rambling is that Rob does a great job of letting us ramble, socialize & educate. He has a real job & a real family, If too much time is lost from either of those by policing us I think he would have to give up the Punaweb. Just ignore post that you don't like or that seem baiting. If you are a long time resident and hate newcomers & all they bring so be it. You have that right. Make the anti-development post but try not to bash people just because they moved here and think Outback should open a location. They wanted to follow the dream just like you (this is to no one in particular, I promise). Everybody has different ideals about how society should be and how a community should be developed. The important thing is working together, sharing ideas and educating each other about our position.
Peace (i'd sign this aloha but then I would get attacked for not understanding what aloha is).
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You're a case study in the results of political correctness Mr. Tucker. Let me ask you this. When you gather roses do you remove the thorns? I'll wager you do. Rather than allow a poster to object to the obvious pandering and machinations of a degenerate set upon demeaning Americans, your interest lies in preserving, at all costs, harmony in the words layed down here. You will allow no contention, and thus, you will never recognize the flame of truth. Such is your fear-based lot. When you delete me from this site ... you will be affirming my statements.
Edited by - JayJay on 12/10/2007 13:32:44
Posts: 447
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Ha! Silly Jay-Jay.
You're not in any immediate danger of being
It's just our head gardener's version of perma(-nent-net-)culture
...a way of
1. looking at a whole system or problem
2. seeing connections between key elements (parts)
3. observing how the parts relate,
4. planning to mend sick systems by applying ideas learnt from long-term sustainable working systems."
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I love this forum and all the posts. Whether they are informative, humerous, or controversal, I love them.
I can see friendships have been formed in here, many laughs have been shared in here and useful information has been given in here.
Thank you Rob, for this forum and for all memebers, simply who contribute. We all make PW what it is, and it sure is something special.
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I just checked my profile. I was the 32 person to sign up and have been a member since 6/20/03. I guess you wouldn't be able to tell by the number of post I make. At first this site was pretty slow moving. I would only check it every few weeks and minimal post were here. Then things started picking up as the word got to everyone on a few of the other forums that there was a forum for Puna ... Guess I just wanted to convery I have watched this site grow. I read it every day & would post more often but I mostly read it at work and it is easier to read than post while at work...
Since this has been mentioned a couple of times - here are two examples -
Carolyn 2.1 posts per day
Me 1.9 posts per day
Neither of these are excessive (IMHO).
I could go on but (and I knew Carolyn wouldn't mind)... So when Rob said one person could only post 4 a day... didnt seem unfair.
I agree with you - when I worked in Hilo, I read more often than posted and was also getting familiar with the posters before I jumped in. Now that I work from home, and my internet connection is slower, I have more time to respond and I think I have a little better sense of who is who. (Hence why I had Rob pull a thread - I posted it in anger and it didnt go anywhere productively like the helio or superferry issues). I also have met many more of you in person and have a much better sense of who you are and your intentions when you post. I find some great answers here - (specific thank you to Mitzi and Puna Farm boy in gardening!!). I find answers to Bldg questions - or am able to help someone (again thank you this AM to the pond liner thread!)
Rob does a great job of letting us all natter and discuss! You know he has a real job, and volunteers his time all over, and still makes time to referee here.
One of the things I would like to see happen less is "hope they arent my neighbor" postings. Remember every one has a side and we may only be being presented with one side.
My 2 cents!
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Ha! Silly Malolo.
Apparently some some pretty serious pruning has transpired here recently.
Has punapetah been eternally banished from the membership, I wonder?
Or has he voluntarily removed himself from the forum/fray/fisticuffs?
~~~mawannaknowlo (...scurrying nimbly behind the nearest ohia, ever on the lookout for the big-bad-bulldozer-of-doom)