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HPP Grading And Paving
Except when your paying to pave someone else's driveway
That is why the price seems quite low.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Outside question not imput. Are your regular maintenance people paid any salary (not the volunteer ones). This sounds like a worst case govt operation. Would sure need somthing signed and sealed, with performance bonds. If not going to pay, state why in advance and document in advance for later, if the operation shines you can recant and pay up.
i'm interested, as royal hawaiian could face somthing like this o a maller scale and less densly populated.
Gordon J Tilley
Rob we're not getting our driveways paved.

And apparently not all our roads as foretold.

They, HPPOA, has put put in print their budget. Once or twice, I have some on file. Where it clearly shows that they only spend half of the collected million dollar, road fees" on the roads. The other half is for their "administration and bureaucracy' that's growing faster than the improvements on the roads. They don't even grade the roads often enough to keep them drivable, how are they going to maintain paved roads? Like lower Paradise Dr.? 20 to 14th has people driving off the road into the mud, GO SEE. It's insane.

They aren't even cutting the view access @ 18th and Paradise it's deadly, dark and narrow and it's on the "Main" road of the NAMESAKE of the Park!

You would THINK we'd have at least 1!, ONE road that was start to finish that was a clear thoroughfare of safety. As it is there are people running up and down the road, and this weekend a bicycle group was using it as a bike trail.

I have driven down the hill and had GO-Carts JET across the road...NO stop or eve slow down. All the time quad runners use the main roads to get around the neighborhoods with 2 and 3 kids on them. One lady a know , her son ejected from one atv hit his head on a rock wall..
..DEAD at 21.

If you don't live here, YOU aren't driving on the roads, HELLO?. "Taxation without representation" yea for residents. If I own land in the South of France do you think they'll let me vote for their President?

Sorry to bust your bubble but adding that you posted a copy of the letter on the Punaweb may just get it tossed in the round filing cabinet in the corner of the room.

Susan has already said, "F..K (Them) and the Punaweb". If you get a response it would be hilarious to read what they'll come up with.

I'm making a commitment in 2008 to be less involved with the stress and deadendness of the road situation in HPP because it's a waste of time. If I haven't learned that living in here for 9 years, I've learned anything.

We need to be rid of HPPOA because it's a facade, inept and dishonest.

But Cidi and Jake at the Hilton Saturday night, "Was a night to Remember". Helped me forget about all the Puna poo poo. Saddleback?
Holy Cow! One freeway they're building up there! Who's that for us? or the military on the strike brigade/super ferry?
Here's the response I received from the Pres of HPPOA, followed by my reply to her response:

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for taking the time to express your concerns.

Foreclosures were undertaken by the Board two years before the bond monies were obtained. The first round of foreclosures was against lots owing more than $2,500, meaning that the owners had never paid any of the assessments since assessments were first imposed in the 1970's. The second and third round of foreclosures have been undertaken against lots owing more than $2,000, meaning that the owners have not paid assessments since the late 1980's. In as much as all delinquent lots owners are obligated to pay all costs associated with a foreclosure action, there ultimately is not cost to the Association. One further note, the bonds are not general obligation bonds, therefore collection of the obligation by foreclosure can only be taken against those lot owners in arrears.

The Road Paving committee was reformed in August following the beginning of the new term and the departure of two directors who served on the committee previously. The committee has been meeting regularly and is nearing completion of the Association's paving plan. I anticipate the committee will make a presentation to the Board at the January Board meeting. Committee members are: Frank Annin, Robert Rainie, Dale Watson and Dennis Higgins, Chair.

Meeting minutes are published on the website after they have been approved. The October minutes are the most current approved minutes. At the December meeting, approval of the November meeting minutes was deferred to the next regular Board meeting. I anticipate the November and December minutes will be posted online within a reasonable time period following the January 16, Board meeting.

I am copying all of the directors in my response, so that the entire Board may have the benefit of your email. Again, thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.

My reply to the above:

Dear Joanne:

Thank you for your prompt response, and for communicating my concerns to the other Board members. At least I now have some kind of a time frame for expecting answers to my questions regarding the paving project.

I am somewhat confused by your response regarding publication of the minutes of meetings. I am of course open to correction, but the only reference I can find in the Bylaws regarding minutes is in Article IX 4a, describing the duties of the Secretary. It says in part "The Secretary shall review and countersign the minutes taken by the independent recording secretary prior to distributing the minutes to the other directors". I see no mention of any requirement that the minutes be approved by the Board as a body. Since the minutes of the November meeting were available at the December meeting, and presumably given to the other Board members, does it not follow that they then should have been made available to the general membership? And, of course, the most effective way to make the minutes available would be to publish them on the website.

Also, would you be so kind as to tell me who the 'independent recording secretary' is? Also where the audio tapes are stored?

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

You keep saying something about "Susan" at the HPPOA office saying F**K Punaweb.

I just came from the HPPOA office where I asked for Susan to inquire about such rumored bad feelings. Here's what I was told....

Susan hasn't worked there for six years. They have heard of Punaweb (sort of) but aren't familiar with the site.

Six years ago there was no Punaweb (I know this to be a true fact).

So I admit to being a bit puzzled at your repeated statements. The evidence I have is you are making up stuff. I have to re-evaluate all your statements, and your credibility in general, in that light.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Rob Tucker


You keep saying something about "Susan" at the HPPOA office saying F**K Punaweb.

I just came from the HPPOA office where I asked for Susan to inquire about such rumored bad feelings. Here's what I was told....

Susan hasn't worked there for six years. They have heard of Punaweb (sort of) but aren't familiar with the site.

Six years ago there was no Punaweb (I know this to be a true fact).

So I admit to being a bit puzzled at your repeated statements. The evidence I have is you are making up stuff. I have to re-evaluate all your statements, and your credibility in general, in that light.

Punaweb moderator


CREDIBILITY! Are you insinuating I'm I'm lying????

HELLO? Anyone on this website, or anywhere in the world can call 808-966-4500 the HPPOA office and ask who is the Manager, Susan Mayhew is the answer you'll get.

Where you went and who you talked to I have no idea, but you should recheck your facts. Too bad you wasted gas.

And for you as a moderator to make that statement says more of you than I.
I had to look into this just a bit further...

I was reading the Minutes from the June 30, 2002 HPPOA General Meeting and found this statement:

Road Advisory - Chair Lundquist explained that the committee is looking to find a way to pave all the roads. Next month Beach Road from Kaloli to Paradise, and 28th Street from Shower to Paradise Drive will be paved. If we get a loan, we plan to pave the fire roads first, 28th, 21st, 16th, 8th and Beach. Then finish the main roads, then the roads that cost the most to be maintained. A suggestion was made from the membership that after the priority roads are paved, if there is not enough funding to pave all the roads, to select roads by lottery.

Paving the roads won't raise road maintenance fees. No decision has been made about putting in 4-way stop signs.

AND THEN I looked at the minutes from a Year after that and found this report which basically states the project was not funded.

Road Maintenance - Because of the Receivership of the past few years, we began this year $300,000 short. We have cut back on road maintenance and stopped buying material, in order to have more money for paving. We were able to pave three miles of lateral roads for $248,000, and we chose roads that had the highest maintenance, 28th Street, and Beach Road. One member asked that with the paving of roads, we keep a rural character to them.

In order to stop the high maintenance at the intersections of the side roads, the policy now is to pave the aprons off the main roads.

President Payne wrote to our State Representatives asking for a Federal loan at 3% interest in order to pave all of our roads.

In the survey that was mailed previously, paving was a priority, however, an increase for paving was rejected. We will be sending out another survey.

Some members were not in favor of paving, they believe it will increase speeding on the roads. Larry Pirtle of Neighborhood Watch advised that if you observe someone speeding, take down the license number, day, time, location, and notify the police. We need to watch our community, the police do not have the manpower.

There are a few other "Gems" to be read in the General Meeting Motions that backdate to August of 1996.

Coming home soon!
Maybe the confusion re 'Susan' is because the Manager's name is Suzanne Mayhew. There may well have been a Susan employed at HPPOA in the past, so both parties could be right. Here's a clip from the most recent published minutes, for Oct. '07, showing persons present at the meeting:

Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association
Approved Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
October 17, 2007

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Frank Annin, Vice President.

Members Present: Frank Annin, Vice President; Vivienne Houghton, Secretary; Ron Phillips, Treasurer; Dennis Higgins, Bob Rainie, Joan Galante, Dale Watson and Robin Wright. Suzanne Mayhew, General Manager, was also present.

Guests: Allan Deehr, Jeff Spaur, Barbara Kahn-Langer, Jim Lee and Bryan Christ.

I'm not sure what I'm implying. I'm trying to find out the source of bad feelings from the HPPOA office toward Punaweb which you report and seem to like to repeat.

So far I am only sure that Punaweb did not exist six yeras ago. I am going on what I am told.

You may, of course, think what you like. I wonder about your need to repeat what may, or may not, be a situation where Susan at HPPOA is at odds with this web site. I don't know her and have no history there. You are the only source of this information.

I have contacted the office, as you suggested and am now told there is a Susanne - not in today. So your credibility is improving. There's a point at which "Susan" at HPPOA may or may not confirm this rumor/fact. It is possible and likely that facts are getting crossed up. I would like to find out.

If I find that you are correct and what I have been told is wrong I will apologize and remove these confrontational posts. I am trying to get to the root of your statement and separate rumor from fact.

Be annoyed with me if you will. This is all something you have brought forward on more than one occassion. I am trying to resolve it. It may be I will thank you for bringing the situation to my attention.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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