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Volcano acting up
ROYAL GARDENS HAS BEEN SPARED ....I mean, it would have been spared...or has avoided not being spared again. <<The channelized `a`a flow that threatened the Royal Gardens subdivision has stalled and is only active within a few hundred yards of its source, the breached southeeasternmost rootless shield. Activity continued at the other rootless shields.>>

Of course, we must be vewwy quiet, or it could start up again. People in Royal Gardens: No loud blasting rock music. Symphonic music or chants only!
SO what is going on with the last lots of royal gardens are they ok or gone? What happens to the land will the land owner still have the land and have to pay taxes or ?
Billy has a good question, the RG lots were being advertised at 10K. and assesed at less. Does an inundation null your right to rejuvinate your lot.
Oceanfront owners who's land gains in size, loose the gain to the state.
With GPS a single lot in the middle could be located. Real pioneering!
Gordon J Tilley
From what I understand, you can rebuild on your lot.....if you can find it. As for the residents, there is the famous guy who runs one of the world's most unusual B & B's (I think calling it a B & B might be inflating it a little bit...I think it is something more informal) and there might be a squatter or two.

Lava land hot property in Hawaii
Thanks to volcano, people can get (somewhat risky) sites cheap
Robert Hollis, Special to The Chronicle

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Just a bit of advertisement in the Sureal Estate news, gives a good explanation of the current 25 year flow and comments from Mayor Kim, Kapoho as well as agents. Quite indepth article. Thought you might enjoy this information.[:o)]

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Some amazing lava flow were coming down the mountain this morning. While out fishing we counted 4 or more flow spread across the hillside.

Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures
"At least 4 narrow secondary flows have spawned off the stalled January 8th `a`a flow. One of them has advanced along the eastern margin and entered the Royal Gardens subdivision."
Originally posted by gtill

Billy has a good question, the RG lots were being advertised at 10K. and assesed at less. Does an inundation null your right to rejuvinate your lot.
Oceanfront owners who's land gains in size, loose the gain to the state.
With GPS a single lot in the middle could be located. Real pioneering!

Yes there are some who do rebuild. If you can believe this though, while applying for a building permit, you must apply for a demolition permit also. Yes it seems funny! The truth is the demo permit allows all the agencies to get their paper work updated. The reason for the demo permit says right on it "Inundated by lava"...
Cat, please tell me they don't charge for a demolition permit when some poor soul's house has been destroyed and the lava has already done the demolition. Only in the perverse world of bureaucracy-speak does this make sense!

I doubt they waive the $10 fee.... but demolition permits are needed to legally void the presence of the (used to be) existing residence.

In non lava situations a demolition permit is practical, cheap and usefulfor the same reasons. It also launches the Dept. of Health on vector control (rats). When an old shack
is demolished, if the rats haven't been dealt with, then all the neighbors get hit with a tide of displaced rats. Not nice to inflict that on the neighborhood.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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