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Volcano acting up
Originally posted by csgray

What is it with the random gratuitous slams on hippies on this forum? .......

I thought being called a "Puna Hippy" was complimentary?[8D]
Almost like being a self-proclaimed "Computer Geek"[:o)]

(Side note... I don't think glenn made the hippy comment)

And now back to the topic:

I've been reading a few articles about how the state has provided low cost insurance to residence that live in these zones.

Should the state also provide low cost HURRICANE insurance to home
owners since WE ALL LIVE IN A HURRICANE zone?

...The program, called the Hawaii Property Insurance Association, now provides more than 2,400 policies to homes that private insurers won't cover in the highest risk lava zones of Puna and Ka'u, filling a critical need for residents who generally can't buy homeowners' insurance elsewhere....

According to This Article

Coming home soon!
Nicely put Carol.

Thank you for the defense of our neighbors here in Puna. As a group they may be the least demanding and best behaved on the island.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Actually, I believe the HPIA provides insurance to anyone who cannot get it otherwise. After Iniki, our local insurance company (A subsidiary of HECO/HELCO) went out of business and so I think we went with HPIA until our agent could place us with another company.

Baton Rouge, LA & HPP
Finally in HPP
Gosh Carol,

This thread isn't about hippies (or demolition permits), and, as has been pointed out, you are confusing me with someone else. I brake for hippies and pick them up in my big, bright, clean, shiny car, and transport them to Papaya Farms, or wherever, as requested (as I mentioned in another topic on hitchhiking). I like my hair short because otherwise it gets too wavy and it takes me too long to dry it, but otherwise I'm a total hippie at heart. So I will expect a flat out apology for your misplaced preaching anytime now.

In the meantime, the shields are oozing.

How about allowing 40' containers, health and sanitation approved kitchen,and bath with septic connection and external water tank hooked up. Living and sleeping areas in another 40'er.
2 mobile convertable containers with a lanai between, completely roofed. House appearance, with mobile capability.
Flow comes close, move 1, closer move both. Move to your back up lot. Pray.

Self Insurance!

Gordon J Tilley
I am sorry for using the wrong name. (My brain sometimes decodes names on autopilot, it saw the G and filled in the rest incorrectly). Apology is now delivered for using the wrong name. No apology intended for commenting on gratuitous hippie bashing.

Greg, please consider the comments addressed to Glen to have been meant for you.

Glen, I also drive a (sometimes shiny) new car now that I can afford one, and I married a man with short hair. I am just tired of all the hippie bashing which gets interjected on a regular basis to various forum topics. Also the virulent rants about various specific races, ethnic groups, religions, and people who are new or old to Hawaii.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I have lots of hippie friends. I'm sure none of them are as offended by my tongue in cheek remark as you were. Having said such; I apologize profusely. I didn't intend to upset anyone. My little joke was somewhat self depreciating, but it's sometimes hard to pull off humor in the written word.

I have short hair now, but consider myself more of a hippie than most these days. I feel that todays "trustafarians" are generally more self indulgent than we remnants of the sixties.

One of my many faults is poking fun at people. Please be comforted in the fact that I don't discriminate between race, religion, sex, or political affiliation (except republicans) when doing so.

Gosh, there I go again.......Peace and love, Greg
I think we all need to get together and smoke a peace pipe in keeping with the tradition of my people (OK -- my grandmother's mother's father).

In the meantime, we must keep our eyes on the shields!

Can you believe none of the major Presidential candidates has even said what they are going to do about the volcano???
A nice flow is visible tonight on cam 3
Greg, somewhere on Big isle, Frank De Lima gave a show and used the awful "hippie" word. Newcomers were shocked he could insult them so, Frank Delima who does mostly ethnic humor, is now a racist in the thin skinned world.

Hippie is in reference to the original homeless throngs who took over many of the islands beach parks camping out and spreading staph.(mostly white all homeless)

Eventually they were cleaned out and most went back to college. Those who stayed mostly got along because they weren't trying to change the place into what they left, and were interested in learning the old local ways. Mostly hippie & haole are references in jest to someone they like. If prefaced with the F word, get the hell out.

Mabe they know caucasian history from the start especially mainland, and here they were just as bad, yeah guilt can make you snappy

Mabe caucasian would be a more loving term. It means the best part of a chineese man.

Yes they came out of the woods, because when RG got populated with people buying, building and renting or selling,they had to turn in those who had been there since before it got populated and tried to live native, they were hurting property values!
Gordon J Tilley

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