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winter home
I live in north west wi.own and run a summer vacation resort.Someday i would like to own a winter home in the fla. keys or hawaii.looking for pros and cons oh yea i dont like snakes.
for you, the big pro/con is:
HI has no snakes/ FL does
For us, when we looked to transfer here, Hawaii Island vs the Keys (some of these are pros, some cons, some are up to your opinions):
HI has a more even temp profile/ Fl has more seasonal change
HI has less tropical storm damage potential
HI has more earthquake damage potential
HI HAS lava damage potential
HI has more elevation differences
HI has more climatic change (almost every climate on the is on this island)
HI has less reef formation
HI has cooler ocean temps
HI has less manmade ocean influences
HI has a state run 4 yr university ( this was one of the main factors of us...)
HI has a more diverse population
HI has a less diverse income stream
HI is harder for relatives to visit, on the spur of the moment

Fl has lots of snakes, lots, plus gators, lots.
Not too much seasonal temp change in the keys. Hot and hotter.
Fl has more tropical storm damage potential and as a result much, much more costly insurance.
Fl has no real earthquake potential.
No lava in Fl.
For all practical purposes Fl is flat. The keys are essentially at sea level. Below on a bad day.
Climatic change in Fl would be N. Fl vs. S. Fl. N. Fl would be more like S. Ga., duh.
I would have to say Hi has more reef at least that which is noticeable. The keys has more and there are southern Fl reef bands farther off shore.
Fl winter water temps can be colder in Fl. In the summer think bath water.
"HI has less manmade ocean influences" I guess?
Fl has numerous State 4 year Universities.
Yes Hi is diverse but Fl has also become diverse. Florida's ethnic populations tend to be more localized.
Fl. is still heavily tourist dependent but Ag. (including cane) is still big. Tech is growing.
Yep, anyone can drive to Fl.
Florida probably has more top notch sand beaches than anywhere. Heck, they even closed one of our nicer beaches after a storm exposed some rocks which I thought was dumb.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Hey... you are forgetting the BEST thing about Hawaii... we are sooooooo far from the mainland. We are as far as anyone can go and still be in the US. I LIKE that! As far from the craziness as we can get.

Originally posted by Carey

for you, the big pro/con is:
HI has no snakes/ FL does
For us, when we looked to transfer here, Hawaii Island vs the Keys (some of these are pros, some cons, some are up to your opinions):
HI has a more even temp profile/ Fl has more seasonal change
HI has less tropical storm damage potential
HI has more earthquake damage potential
HI HAS lava damage potential
HI has more elevation differences
HI has more climatic change (almost every climate on the is on this island)
HI has less reef formation
HI has cooler ocean temps
HI has less manmade ocean influences
HI has a state run 4 yr university ( this was one of the main factors of us...)
HI has a more diverse population
HI has a less diverse income stream
HI is harder for relatives to visit, on the spur of the moment

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
>>>As far from the craziness as we can get.

But we're the closest highly desirable US target to a truly insane world leader.
Gotta die sometime of something


What goes around comes around!

Devany... my list ended with my take on yours ;~)

Oink... I was comparing the Florida Keys to Hawaii Island... Unless they have added 4 state universities in the Keys in the last few years...

same with reef formation... the Keys wins hands down over Hawaii Island for reef formation...

I also forgot (these are general for all of FL):

Florida has far more boat harbors & anchorage
Florida has many more miles of beaches, esp if you compare windward sides....

My favorite vacation home I rent once a year in Puna Smile Very little investment and if the neighborhood is taken away by Pele, oh well.

No snakes yet but ..... plenty of coqui frogs around to support snakes.
Tons of bugs on the Big Island.

Biggest con is if you decide you don't want your vacation home anymore its gonna be really hard to sell it right now. Lot's of really nice houses are just sitting empty most of the time. Very attractive for squatters :/ Best 2nd or vacation home is one you can get to in one hour or less. Alternately one you can rent out most of the time when you are not there (but once a year).
Oink... I was comparing the Florida Keys to Hawaii Island... Unless they have added 4 state universities in the Keys in the last few years...

I guess it depends on where in the keys. The Northern keys are driving distance to Miami.

We forgot to mention the evacuation issue. The keys have to evacuate fairly often and there is only one road out. Of course if you are strictly a winter resident it isn't much of an issue as the storms that necessitate the evacuations aren't winter storms.
You're right about the reefs in the keys.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Ah Carey... yes, there the "Brother in Law" quotent.

Also, I have no idea on taxes in Florida... here they are pretty fair once you are over 60.

Hey, if anyone wants a nice lot near Naples... we would love to sell one. Wes' parents bought it in the 1960's and we have been paying property tax on it for the last 20 years.

Originally posted by Carey

Devany... my list ended with my take on yours ;~)

Oink... I was comparing the Florida Keys to Hawaii Island... Unless they have added 4 state universities in the Keys in the last few years...

same with reef formation... the Keys wins hands down over Hawaii Island for reef formation...

I also forgot (these are general for all of FL):

Florida has far more boat harbors & anchorage
Florida has many more miles of beaches, esp if you compare windward sides....

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

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