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Why I am Leaving Puna and Hawaii.
I've briefly scanned this "Rant".

I didn't happen to see where Anagami is going...anyone know?

I've lived in some pretty lousy places.

Wherever it is... I'm sure you will always have memories of Puna.
Bumpersticker seen a few days ago, "I'd rather be here now"
ps: I think there are 5 hospitals on the island, hilo,kona,waimea,pahala,hawi. Though one local said "Pahala is where the old people go to die", they don't even deliver babies there.
It appears to me, that Anagami is very upset at life, as he/she has posted this HERE as well.

Stillhope mentions it over in the Check the Chameleon thread.

On this day in History:
State of Hawai'i and City of Honolulu pledge $1 million to clean up a noxious weed, the invasive species Salvinia molesta, in Wahiawa's Lake Wilson, 2003.
Wow, I came across this website:

and it really made me think of this thread. I have to agree with the part about how you have to DECIDE to be happy - aggravating as it may be!

Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design

Best of luck to you.

I'd lived on the Left Coast and then spent twenty seven years on Oahu. Wife and I moved to Puna two years ago. I have met more friendly, interesting, good hearted people here than in all my years elsewhere.

Whether at the supermarket or Ecstatic Dance, I've found the aloha so prevalent here that it is almost tangible.

Haven't seen any problems re. cannabis. The damage done to America from the use of alcohol, pharmacuticals, hard drugs and the laws that protect the hard drugs street market is well known and lamented by just about all.

Everyone's experience is different.

Best of luck to you and as they say, "There are no Buddhists. There are only people on the way."


P.S. The U.S murder rate as a percentage of the population is 4.5 times higher than in Holland.


Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
I also came to the Big Island thinking that is the place where I would live. I ended up moving and I currently reside in Waikoloa. Puna is definitely a place for a certain type of person. Myself personally, was not that type. I do disagree with the idea of a lack of aloha. I found many people with much aloha, even the dreaded up white hippy kids. I do not know why someone who supposedly has aloha, would knock others the way anagami has. I do not beliwve Puna is paradise, and it is definitely not for me. I hated the rain, the crime, the lack of infrastructure, and I also did not find paradise. But to say that the people have no aloha is very colse minded and ignorant in my opinion.

I would rather be happy than "right". I'm hearing a lot of people wanting to be "right". You may agree or disagree, but does that really affect Anagami, or does it affect you?

What makes Anagami happy may not be what would make me happy.

Every person has to follow their own path to their happiness.

I wish you well, Anagami, and I wish you much luck and happiness.

If I encounter someone that disagrees with me on a matter of feeling and I respond with any emotion other than a heartfelt desire for that person to find what they hope for, I am the one diminished.

Anagami is speaking from his/her heart and that heart hears a different song than I hear.

A heart will never be changed by words.

I know I am happy here and that is really all I need to know.

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Wai-ka-blowa no ka oi!
I love it here, it's home.

I love the ocean,
I love the people,
I love the Aloha,
I love the snow on Mauna Kea ( a bit scared of Pele tho)
I love it when it rains and
I love it when me and my kids are living a postcard moment on the beach.

There's bad stuff, but thats the price of living here, like filling up my water tanks after this "drought" but not one person has been rude to this haoli in my 8 weeks here, I have only received aloha.

There's good and bad in every situation and where ever you go - there you are.

My whole family has changed since moving here, we are all happier, healthier and brighter. We have found our home and our soul. And man it feels good!!!!
I guess I know I have really mellowed. Instead of a rant, the best I can do to respond to this thread is think "to each his/her own, one man's trash is another man's treasure, so be it, don't let the door hit you in the a...".

I did kind of like the whole idea of "please, spread the word about how bad this place is!"


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