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Breathing Apparatus
Meaning, is Vog a Particulate (requiring a dust mask), or a VOC (volatile organic compound) requiring much better protection. These things only matter if you need to be exposd for extended periods. However from my experience on BI last month, I'll be ready for whatever air I experience, Laze ought to be better yet, Mabe a combo! I'm probably the only panty who can smell this stuff, so you can probably disreguard!
Gordon J Tilley
Well jtill I don't know about the breathing apparatus, but you are not the only one who can smell the stuff. One several trips over and in different areas I too can smell the VOG. Several times up in Volcano when the wind was right, my eyes burnt and I could actually taste it and once when I was in downtown Hilo and the wind was right it caused instant sinus drip and a coughing fit that lasted a few hours. So yeah it is there, now what to do about it I haven't a clue. Keep us informed of all your scientific adventures in the vog battle!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Thank you Mella, I'm off and running! (me thinks a little macho is in play)! OSHA here I come!
Gordon J Tilley
The tradewinds are back, so the VOG is not as bad on the East side, but if you need protection from VOG, here are some clarifications:
Vog is a particulate (SO2) that has acidic tendencies, so a regular dust mask is not sufficient
VOC's are volatile ORGANIC compounds (ie. HYDROCARBONS), so this type respirator would not be right.
There are acid disposable masks and cartridge masks available.
There is currently some issues on the efficacy of some of the disposable masks and cartridges that have been used for SO2. Luckily, Airgas/Gaspro is right in Hilo, so if you are here & the VOG effects you, you can always stop in for expert advice.
A 'breathing appartus' (term is normally used Self Contained Breathing Appartus, with a compressed air cylinder) isn't normally even used by those crazy, in-the-mouth-of-the-beast volcanologists! (I think because it slows them down when Pele gets tired of them!)

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