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My favorite pet - your story
David,Bruno has a separation anxiety also.We were his 3-d owners. I didn't know until once he was left alone.Now he has a pet door and shares the yard with 2 "bad guys",but I am really concerned how he is going to take the flight from CA to Hawaii.I did my best having all the test done not to have him quarantined,but he can have a heart attack on the plain.If they allow me,I would fly in the "doggy cabin".How Jack took the flight?
P.S. Once found "Companion Air" on the internet-the idea for the pets and owners to fly together for the reasonable price.So far it is still the idea.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
okay. so i have four dogs and four cats ALL ADOPTED. i had 5 dogs, but my purebred beagle passed 2 years ago this april.

she was a dog that truly had nine lives and died at the good old age of 16. she was a "trash dog". always knocked over the covered bins looking for something to eat. beagles are known to have an insatiable appetite. she got run over by a car and came out with just a few bruised ribs. she jumped onto the dining room table then to the counter and ate a whole rum cake and a box of chocolate mac nuts. the vet was not so pleased. had to give her a concoction of peroxide and water to make her barf everything up. the girl loved chocolate (all you dog owners know that this could be lethal for canines) and could find it anywhere. she was a good bug catcher and could climb the mango tree. i look at her shadow box every day. talk about separation anxiety, i was her 4th owner.

then there's my little gal who is 17 going on 18. half besenji half beagle. taught her how to bark. that was a mistake. besenjis don't usually bark they chortle (spelling). she can only manage one bark.
she's going deaf and blind and has a heart murmur. she's my baby and sleeps with me along with three of the cats. don't think she'll make it to the big island.

dogs number 3,4 and 5: mother is half chow and possibly golden retriever. when i owned an okazu-ya, she would hang out near my truck. definitely prego. had been eating rocks. was flea infested. had a rope around her neck. called the humane society. fed her steak and rice. they never showed up. ended up adopting her. six puppies were born the day after new year's 7 years ago. kept 1 male. the rest were given to what i hope were good homes. 1 owner called a year later and wanted to give dog #5 back because she was going to have a baby.

cats: #1 adopted from a former friend who was going to take her to the humane society. husband allergic to cats. #2 and #3 brother and sister adopted from my ex-sister's prego cat. #4 adopted when my aunt passed away.

malia paha o lohe aku

perhaps they will hear
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Originally posted by StillHope

"I just wish I could be the person my dogs think I am".(Mgeary)
Wow!Is that your own words?
I wish I was that inventive, Hope. No, it's not original, but I don't know where I heard it. It gets at the concept that when you come home from work, or wherever, your dogs jump and yap and lick your face, like you're the greatest person on the face of the planet, better than if a million dollars just walked in thru the door.

I really do wish I was the person my dogs think I am.[8D]

Aloha! ;-)
Aloha! ;-)
how about, "the more i meet people, the more i like my dog." don't know who said it.

malia paha o lohe aku

perhaps they will hear
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Kani,I also tried to teach Brunskiy to bark.I knew that the boxers don't bark much,but for a while he didn't at all.(Just being shy at the new home).Now when I come home from work ,he barks non-stop.Sometimes it sounds like"How could you leave me for the whole 8 hours?Bad,bad,bad!"
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Boxers don't bark... That was pretty much true of our white boxer, rather unusual for him to bark. Can't say that about the current three. Couldn't begin to tell you how many times I yelled, "Hey, you're BOXERS not BARKERS!!!!"

Both the girls, Ruby and Kalani learned to "speak", but have never been able to get Jack to.

As for cats... Had 2 up until last summer. Now, I do have to be up front, I don't much consider myself a cat person...

Diamond - He may have had an identity problem as he acted more like a dog most of the time. [Big Grin] Actually got him about a month before our white boxer. Was visiting in NJ and he was literally picked up in the middle of the street. The lady worked for humane society, guessed he was maybe 4 weeks old and offered him to Sophie. As it was also our anniversary, how could I say "No" to my dear sweet wife. We did have 2 cockatiels at the time. Anyway, took him home to Va. I didn't pay that much attention other than making a litter box and placing some milk and food. Come Monday, he was looking pretty pathetic so Sophie took him to the vet. I wasn't there, but Sophie says that after a quick look, the vet says, "Have you considered starting over" Kept him overnight with instructions to call next day and IF he survived, vet would tell us how to care for him. That cat became our constant companion because not only did I have to feed him kitten replacement formula with a syringe, but had to heat a surgical glove half filled with water to help maintain his body temp. Too many stories about him to fill up this thread, but he was a great cat. Last sumer, he was looking pretty ragged, to the point that one weekend last July we actually pondered taking him to the vet if that was the humane thing to do. Later that Sunday, he strolled down to the house site where we were working as usual. Seemed like he was making his rounds - saying farewell. He wondered off, never to be seen again. He had a really great life for 16 years. Still not a cat person, but I do miss him at times.

Focus - our black female cat. Very strange[8][8][8] Sophie actually rescued her from under a vacant porch in '98. Not sure what happened to the mother, dog catcher was supposed to get the rest of litter. She was probably not yet 4 weeks old according to vet's guess. Again, I was the nursemaid, hand raising this little ball of fur. She'll be 10 yrs this month. She has grown up to be totally opposite of Diamond. World revolves around her... no wait - she IS the world. [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin] When our white boxer died, she was inconsolable, would wander about the house just a wailing and looking for him. She was part of my motivation to get Ruby. She is quite funny to watch with the new puppy, Kalani. Definitely missed her opportunity to set the pecking order when she was the bigger of the two, now Kalani pesters her relentlessly. What's funny is to watch her "box", making me wonder if perhaps Kalani just thinks she's a funny looking boxer? Oh well...


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Geez Carrie, really thought I left out that part.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
A friend of mine recently lost her dog,a wonderful golden retriever.
The last day the dog didn't go to the house ,just lied near the place where they planned to berry her,tears in her eyes...
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
I was once visiting a friend and noticed he had a pig with only three legs. When I asked about it, my friend told me how the pig had pushed his young daughter out of the way of a car rolling down a hill, saving the girl's life.

"Is that how the pig lost his leg?", I asked.

"No", my friend replied, "but a pig that good, you don't want to eat all at once". [Wink]


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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