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My house progress update page
Congrats Rob..home looks like it's going to be beautiful..i took a peek in your website and saw the transformation of the Webster yard to your's and Michael's yard and was shocked & amazed!..It certainly made me envious..can only imagine what you you will create in Seaview. Aloha, Juan
I am using iWeb that comes with iLife for Macs. It's pretty brainless to use. I'm enjoying the framing stage because I see progress everyday. At the same time I can't wait to get the roof on and get to the next stages. When your not obsessed with it everyday, I guess it does seem like a lot has happened in just 2 months!

Thanks Juan and Mella. Yeah, gardening will be quite different here, but I can't seem to control myself even though I told myself I wouldn't start planting until the house is done. I also said I wouldn't get a dog til then either but oh well! I'm trying to plant at least half natives and at this point it's probably 75%. I can't resist with plants that are rare, endangered, and that I have never seen or couldn't grow in CA.

Anyway, it's updated again today 3-22.
If you didn't say that I wouldn't imagine that it was a package house.Very nice!
And your builder is so fast!What you've been feeding him?
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Hey Rob!

I'm amazed at the speed your place is going up! I just wandered more widely around your website, and wondered if you were a neighbor of a friend of mine. He's on 42nd just a few houses from Webster. Been there 20 years.... Just curious.
Rob, we went by today (showing the area to a friend from Chicago). Your place is really looking great. I couldn't believe the planting work you have done, along with the house framing! The house frame layout looks really great.
Carey, be sure to stop by next time or say hello where I am living next to Mark & Richard. Would love to meet you. Aloha,
aloha rob,

how exciting seeing your new home coming into the framing stage, i'm sure it must be exciting seeing things change on a daily basis for you....funny i don't even know what my home is looking like at this stage of building, i'll have to ask a punaweb person to maybe help take some pictures since the walls are probably already built.

thanks for sharing the pictures.

Aloha Rob,
Such a wonderful place. Congratulation on your progress. Sorry to miss you at the Punaweb party today.

canh Le
updated page again. Very productive week with most of the roof done!
Oh, the lanai! I really am a gentleman and so I don’t want my words to be misinterpreted (not that they have in the past). On the other hand, like Dr. Morbius in “Forbidden Planet”, I am not responsible for my unconscious mind and the havoc it wreaks elsewhere, as at Halema’uma’u. Sorry about the steam everyone! Still, I want to avoid conscious innuendo. That I can do. So I will choose my words carefully.

Imagine sitting on that lanai and watching as the cobalt ocean reaches up and grabs the blazing orange rays of the tropical sun and pulls them down, down toward her, until they are completely tangled up in blue. Imagine drinking a blood red old vine zinfandel through a crystal glass with a frosted bird of paradise design etched upon it while witnessing the sun finally just surrender and sink right into the sea with a blaze of glory, a sigh and a sizzle. Okay, you are facing South, so the sun might set elsewhere, in which case I have just wasted a perfectly good metaphor.

I love the shrubbery and the little rise behind the house. It looks like the neighborhood has a nice gentle slope to it. So the neighborhood behind is even nice. I am talking about the house. I don’t want there to be any mistake. Such a beautiful, gentle upward slope. I wonder if there is a steamy jungle behind it. Bet there is.

The house is just the right size. Nice and tight, and practical. The plans put everything exactly where it should be and right within reach. If it gets dirty, it is going to be really easy to clean with a warm wet rag. I can almost hear the pump engaging! Thump thump thump!

Alright, well the house is going to be very nice, and it is going to be very fun to watch it go up. Keep us posted and piered! And keep your eye on Halema'uma'u! It will say more than I ever can.


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