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Wheelabrator Deceives Again...Pt. II
Talk about pissing off some council members at the wrong time!

A radio ad paid for by Wheelabrator Technologies Inc., that claims the company's proposed $125.5 million waste-to-energy incinerator project was selected by the Hawaii County Council as the answer to Hilo's landfill problem is untrue....

...."It's an insult to the people of this county," he said. "It's a very bad and deceitful tactic. By saying the County Council has selected Wheelabrator, it means, 'Don't even bother (attending public hearings or informational meetings on the subject).'"

"It's so deceitful to the people considering it's a $125 million project," Yagong continued. "I can't believe they would do something like that. ... I am so upset."

He said such tactics are "so common when a technology like this wants to come into the marketplace."

I said it here earlier on Punaweb that Wheelabrator is deceiving us.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
Just came across this little gem the other day.

"It's the official end to Enron-style business arrangement between Wheelabrator Corp. and 29 towns in the Connecticut River Valley," Gallagher said. "Claremonters and townspeople were overcharged millions of dollars. This ends a tragedy."

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
Welcome to Wheelabrators World! -- deceit coming in the front door and going out the back.

So-called 'waste-to-energy' : A dirty, expensive, deception.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Well here is a bit more info on that project.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
So for those of us who haven't been paying attention and perhaps to bring us up to speed, why, in a nut shell is 'wheelabrator' the wrong choice?

Here are a couple of threads previously posted on PW to get you started:


And a Blog posted by Hunter Bishop

There is much more out there.

This is just a tip of the iceberg.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
There was a hassle over taxes and costs, wheelabrator lost, but the plant still serves 27 towns and hasen't had any major EPA writeups to cause closure? Hunter also criticised PGV for excess charges, but who set the rules? If the EPA violations exist, please produce same!

Question, does anyone forsee a multi step process come rain come shine to go to the dump! Or does anyone think we're going to get curbside pickup, forget it! How much will private PU be with this system, 3 cans instead of 1.

At the transfer station in Haleiwa, they have a 3' high gate in front of the trailers makes it hard to toss heavy bags!

Gordon J Tilley
Originally posted by gtill

...At the transfer station in Haleiwa, they have a 3' high gate in front of the trailers makes it hard to toss heavy bags!

Your not suppose to be tossing the bags with your recycling.[B)]

Recycling does take a little effort. Sorry if your not able to toss one bottle at a time over that 3' high gate.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
I'm not talking recycling, It's a transfer station, City garbage trucks use em, as do those of us with long drives to the road. Most every saturday take a load! We already park 6' from the edge, it's ok for me right now, but a small lady or oldster it would be hard!

Damon, where do you recycle? Ever been to a transfer station, try it, both Oahu and Hilo! Get used to in Puna!
Gordon J Tilley
Originally posted by gtill

Damon, where do you recycle? Ever been to a transfer station, try it, both Oahu and Hilo! Get used to in Puna!

On Oahu, I recycle behind the Hard Rock Cafe across from the Convention Center.

Big Island, at the Pahoa Transfer station.

Remember, I lived on the Big Island long before I moved to Oahu.[Wink]

I just wish the apartment I rent at would allow me to make a compost pile.[V]

I have free Garbage Pick up as most people do on Oahu. I'm fortunate that I live in a district where our pick up is scheduled twice a week.

Guess who is paying for it in the long run?[Big Grin]

*edit* And I've stood on top of the landfill in Hilo many times.

I've also stood on Soccer fields that were former landfills. [Wink]

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.

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