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i love the look of a full hip roof, but am afraid of the heat as we toy with the idea of building in a lower elevation... i know i can do a modified hip and put gable vents in, but is there any way to vent a full hip roof? appreciate any and every idea...
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It's increasingly popular to insulate and seal rather than vent. If you like the hip, that's the way to go. It's the best roof for wind resistance. I personally don't like the style.
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Don't put the wavy closure strips at the top of the ridge - presuming you are using a tin roof. Actually, don't put them down by the top of the walls, either. That way every wave of the tin roof will be a small vent. Old style tin roofs don't have them and they vent pretty well.
Also space the windows in each room so you get cross ventilation and put really large eaves on the house to shade the walls. That will decrease the amount of heat build up, too.
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We had a full hip on last house. Two ways to add vents Ridge Vents along ridges & Roof Vents through the roof deck. Both can be done with corrugated roof, through the deck is best in the upper portion of the roof & there are flat install panels, but not readily available here... We had shigles & added both, along with really upping the soffit venting. I have not seen the recommendation for sealing & insulation... Last I heard, sealing the attic area can bring a bunch of problems later & have seen some of the problems inc. fish lipping of the deck.
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oh thanks for replys... i didnt see how a ridge vent could work on a hip roof..hmmm i was afraid to cut a hole for a whirlybird or skylights for that matter with the rain we get up here...i did wonder if soffit venting would help, but the idea of no wavy stuff and let shape of roof vent is very good... i dont want insulation, have lived here long enough to see that as a real problem, we have never had either bugs or mold and dont want to start now! mahalo for all advice...
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Also add soffit vents if you put in soffit board on any deck area (to get ventilation in to vent out and create circulation).
(Soffit vents sometimes look like 3-4" wide white plastic strips with hundreds of little holes per foot and come in long sections.
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I didn't think the sealed attic made sense either. However, it's becoming very common with new construction here in S. Fla. One of my coworkers finished his house last year using that method. In the heat of the middle of of the day in humid interior S. Fla near lake Okeechobee (think swamp land) his attic is actually slightly cool. He did do a rather deluxe job of his construction. It's a metal roof with sprayed on foam insulation on the full interior of the attic making it like a cooler. The exterior walls of the house are the concrete filled foam blocks. Kind of like Rob's product although I don't believe it was made of recycled materials. There is no place for moisture to enter. Fish lipping does not appear to be an issue with the newer construction. Perhaps it was an issue at one time with earlier construction. My coworkers house is the only sealed attic I have been inside. The sealed hip is also the very best way to go for hurricane resistance.
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We have a full hip roof and vented it with thermostat controlled attic fan from Home Depot.
Mushroom shaped. Installed on the backside and placed right at the ridge to eliminate any special flashing. Works well so far.
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Quickly found this link for ridge vent application on hip roof (this is like, but not, the product we used on last house)
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Carey they carry this product at HPM. We looked at it. The holes that this consists of seemed
small enough to clog with dirt or dust,mold etc. But HPM did have it when we were looking.
"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen