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Big Island Mayoral Race 2008
I just love the irony of Stacey Higa's latest statement about trying to be equal to the whole island:

"I don't subscribe to the East Side-West Side mentality and I'm committed to giving equal attention, equal importance to all areas of the island. If elected Mayor I pledge to spend at least 1 in 10 working days in West Hawaii to learn hands-on about issues affecting an area and to help bring government to the people."

1 in 10 working days [B)]

Mr. Higa, I don't know if you will read this, but how does that equate to equal?

How much of your attention, if elected, would you give to East Hawaii, the fastest growing part of the island... 1 in 20 working days?

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
Word in from ohana that attended tonights forum in Hilo...

Very well organized and those that asked questions ahead of time were answered by the candidates and the panel that was posing questions asked what was presented to them ahead of time.

Not much public input was given from what I heard and all questions were fielded by a panel. I'd love to hear other first hand accounts as I was home taking care of a sick kid.

Strange though... Both my Mom and my In-Laws attended and both I believe are choosing separate candidates. [:0][8]

I can't wait until the:

Wednesday, May 28
5:30 pm to 10 pm
Keaau High School Cafeteria

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
For those that didn't read or hear about it...

Roger Christie has bowed out of the race.

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
funny damon, that stacy higa said he would show for 1 day in 10 in kona but he couldnt even show at the forum. i quess that is what he thinks of the people in puna....not enough to show up.... very worth while to attend, have a much better view of who i will vote for....
My wife and I are finally registered voters this year and we will definately 'NOT" be voting for mayoral candidate Stacey Higa. He could care less about Puna.
Any thoughts on Billy Kenoi?

All I know about him is he worked for Mayor Kim, and my friend was doing Kenoi's website.....

Not much to make a decision on.
HunterBishop was interviewed about his take on the Higa and Kenoi situations that have arose in the past.

It's tough to be squeaky clean these days.... Let alone who you hang out with can also have the effect of "Friends of a feather... Flock Together" [}Smile]

I knew Malu Motta as our ASB President! I too was shocked when I heard he was involved in a Murder.

Would I have gone to a fund raiser for a former friend that is now charged with a brutal gang related murder.... Probably not. [Wink]

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
I was at the Keaau Forum last week and thought that Billy KEnoi and Angel Pilago both had a good grasp on Puna issues. Puna is Billy's home turf and he has been present at some of our Friends of Puna's Future (FoPF) meetings. He listens and pays attention.

Angel is not from Puna but, and I think this credible, he is informed on Puna's CDP and main issues. He is a quieter man but very accomplished and he pays attention at council unlike some who walk out on plublic testimonry regularly.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
The Wife represented the family at the Keaau forum.
I went to sleep early -- my favorite way to spend an evening Wink
So, can't speak to that one, but did make (and stay awake during) the Hilo forum at the Palace.

Your sum here is, IMHO, probably a fair assessment:

Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Puna is Billy's home turf ... He listens and pays attention.

Angel ... is informed on Puna's CDP and main issues. He is a quieter man but very accomplished and he pays attention at council unlike some who walk out on public testimony regularly.

Of course, as a fellow Vietnam veteran and a former public employee who thinks integrity is THE most important issue, I support Angel.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Does anyone know all the candidates running for mayor? All I've heard are the 4 main contenders...higa,kenoi,pilago and Innoye. Are there any other candidates not mentioned above that could do a good job as mayor?

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