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Cinder Source
Let's say I just want enough cinder to mound around a few fruit trees. Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink. Where do you get cinder (not a truckload, but more like five boxes full)?

And what is this cinder-soil stuff? And where do you find that?

And where is my brown rabbit? Did the white one do something to him? Should I get another rabbit or would it be like introducing a strange dog to a dog that has had the run of the house?
Glen, Just the quantity type I need to get rid of! Stop on by when you're on Island (we have a ~6in layer of red cinder sandwiched between two aging sheets of black plastic, with a ~3 in layer of black cinder on top.... all raising our lot too much .... so I am digging it down & was just wondering, "Whaddameye gonna do with this". So email, or whistle, when you want it...

I know snow hares change colors by the seasons... maybe lava hares change colors when there is a flow a'comin' (run Brianna!)

Glen, was your brown bunny named 'Brianna' by any chance? Maybe in the catchment....?
Well as Mammy said in Gone with the Wind: "Ise a comin'...I don't know WHY Ise a comin', but I'm a comin'!"

Red AND black cinder!! Whoo-hooo!!!!!! On Island in a matter of days. I gotta get me some of that fine, fine red and black cinder.
Will e-mail you. Mahalo for flying Hawaiian Airlines!

I think the flow, when it comes, is gonna come shootin' out of the business end of the Kazamura lava tube on 22nd in HPP, bypassing me and the sole remaining rabbit, which is white. It will fountain there for a couple of days and then just stop.

Wait a minute.....white dog....white rabbit.....
Me again. Hey Carey. Gettin' a big bounce back on your e-mail. If you have a lava cave entrance in your front yard, I will shout as loud as I can into mine.

Maybe they will hear.
try the university email cyost(at)
A note on delivered two inch black, thirty cubes delivered by Bryson's in Pahoa to Black Sands. I talked to them a few days ago about this load comming out and they want a whopping $280.00! Get you cinder now before it goes up ... oh, an they don't even deliver one-quarter inch any longer and we're stuck with two inch. I'm going to have a load out and sift it myself which should enable me to get the one-quarter inch I need which I use for creating my potting and basic garden growing mixture.


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