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Mahalo for the report, Scott (and for your charitable cowboy work). The trade windes are diminished but magma is increasing in Pu'u O'o, along with higher SO2 emissions. In the meantime, the Halema'uma'u vent is throwing off smoke half a mile high today, HVO reports.
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This was on the 12th. several more yesterday and one or two today.
What goes around comes around!
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My guess is that those eq's are a result of the summit contracting as it continues to deflate following the week long inflation of a few weeks ago and the deflation and excessive surface activity of the last week or so. Sort of par for the course with these subtle inflation deflation cycles Kilauea has been going through lately
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Holy Smokes!! (sorry.) We spent 3 days on the Kona side and took the southern route over...MAN!! What a nasty hazy mess it is. I think Tony's got a sinus infection - which rarely happens to him. That was the nastiest vog we've seen yet. That HAS to affect Kona property sales...who could live in that?
"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
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It's still pumping profusely today (mon). Huge surface flow in lower Royal Gardens last night. Looked like the "river of Lava" as seen on newsreels. The show at the ocean entry has been magnificent, and I would encourage anyone interested to check it out.
Nice moon, Lightning in the plume. Sudden stoppage, then resumtion after a few minutes. Scientists, pseudo scientists, newsmedia, and lava junkies abound. A veritable Puna circus.
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Just got back... It was a good show. Haven't seen that type of fountaining and splatter before. Beautiful night too with a great plume illuminated in the moonlight.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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The Bear, our friend Steve, and I went to the ocean entry viewing area last night. What a show!! There were huge explosions of fountaining lava, and we could see hot lava splatter glowing on the surrounding rocks for a time after the larger bursts. We saw some lightning in the plume, too. One surprise was what appeared to be waterspout funnels extending from the steam plume into the ocean water. Has anyone noticed those before? Everyone should go and see this while it is still vigorous. It's the best free show you'll get on the island.
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We were out there too! Ran into Mella & Carey! [8D] Mella, SB and I watched from the top by the gaurd shack and the kids walked out, and Carey walked out too!
Buying flashinghts when you forgot them on the table in Kapoho $10
Mocha Latte from guy selling flashlights $4
Lava fountain and lightning $ Priceless!
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Jerry, did we follow you guys? (I swear I talked to you in Kaimu - Kalapana .... but not positive.... were you there? Jim & I were with Pam, Noel & Keith....) The view up at the beginning of the walk is really impressive (much better than a few weeks ago) but man'o'man, the plume! with lightning & splatter & tremendous pyrotechnics flaring up a hundred feet or so (not sure the height, but high enough to be seen from a good distance).... if you haven't been there in a while, this is the time (& for those who can't make a long walk, you get a very good view right at the end of the road, where the start of the rough lava walk is ...... right at dusk is the best time... the plume comes alive with it all)