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Depleted Uranium CONFIRMED by Army
There is another name for depleted uranium. it's called led.
well, coming for the Texas, we had to worry about Radon Gas in our fancy energy efficient homes... here in Hawaii we have to find things to worry about like depleted uranium that might have been used 40 miles from your home.

I will take the DU over the Radon Gas, thank you.

you might want to worry more about those fluorescent light bulbs you have all over your house.

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
I'm glad this issue was raised because I'm confused.

So many people are so frightened of DU yet on the other hand I keep reading that it's harmeless. The D stands for depleted - the radioactive uranium has been removed. Is it true or not that every airport has piles of DU - stored in the counterweights of the planes? In the Hawaii Free Press they say that bananas are more radioactive than DU. Okay it's the HFP. They're not unbiased. But is it true?

That YouTube video was very unconvincing. Is that really the best the anti-DU people have? The main character freely admits that he has a personal beef with the US Army! How can that be objective?

I am not for or against DU. I don't have a vested interest. I'm just interested in finding out the facts.

Is there any hard evidence either way?

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