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Rolling Stones concert in Honolulu
Hey Stones fans!

(Andrew, thanks for the heads up on the upcoming concert.)

I just booked plane tickets for Nov 22, back on Nov.23 AND reserved a minivan to possibly hang out in after the concert (instead of paying for a hotel room). The cheap $19 fares are going fast. None were available on Nov. 22 but were still available on Aloha for Nov. 23. You may want to book your flights now. My tickets are on Mesa Airlines ( over to Honolulu and on Aloha coming back.

Anyone want to join me for a tailgate party?


Lol...I may get shot for this one.

I am not a Stones fan or I would consider going with.

Now if it were Metallica, Iron Maiden or Aerosmith I would open up the ole wallet and jump right in. But then you probably wouldn't be going to that one. LOL.

No accounting for taste I guess.

"Puna Gnome for President"
Hey Tony - Glad to see someone shares my husbands musical taste. Iron Maiden is one of his favsand he likes Metallica's old stuff. He isn't a huge fan of Aerosmith but both of us like their old stuff. He is a guiarist an hopes to connect with some other metal heads to jam once we make the move. His favorites are Pantera & Judas Priest and Black Sabbath.

I am more into jam bands, The Dead, Black Crowes, G'mt Mule, Allman Bros. I still love to hear old school metal & hair bands to remind me of my youth.

It's kind of funny how my parents hear stuff from early 60's and my grandparents hear big band and that brings them to their glory days. When I am old I guess I will hear the opening notes of Black Dog and throw down my walker and start jamming to freak out everyone in the retirement home.

We have seen the Stones twice on the Steel Wheels turn (this was their pre-social security tour in the late 80's) and it the shows were great. We considered seeing them when this tour scheduled ATL but the tickets are way too mych and I have too many other concerts lined up.

Rock on!!!!!!!!

Hey Sittall,
Hope you find someone to go with you though!
Didnt mean to rain on your thread. Sorry.

"Puna Gnome for President"
OK, I am definitely committed to going. Got the plane tickets, concert tickets, and rental van. Even have an extra ticket: orange section JJ, row 3. Looks like good seats. Anyone in an adventurous mood? Feel free to contact me.


“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” Jack Handey

Edited by - sittall on 10/02/2006 17:37:36

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