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need a quick education
[quote]Originally posted by Rob Tucker

... keep an open mind"

OK; and you, too?

" two out of three ain't bad" ain't good enough when another candidate gets 3 out of 3 and that is how I sincerely read this one.

"You need to realize you could be wrong on item #3."
I could be; or you could be.

"You did say you are voting for Emily."
I said, if you can't vote Naeole [which I will not argue about], vote Joseph.
From a purely objective basis of the three essential criteria above, Wayne Joseph is the only candidate who qualifies.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Personally I feel that this is a Hawaiian District of Hawaii County in the State of Hawaii and it is more than highly appropriate for us to have native Hawaiians in government.

Emily has not exhibited an ability to grow into her council job. Kale has proven to me that he not only can but will.

Rob, I respectfully disagree with you on these two points. (We agree on a host of other things, so it's all good, honest sharing of sincere opinion.)

First, perhaps it's just a residue of having come of age during the way overdue dismantling of the Jim Crow system in the South, but I can't bring myself to add OR subtract points based on a candidate's ethnicity or race. I just won't do it, not even in the unique political environment of Hawaii. I do, however, look poorly on those who play the race card or show prejudice which, as we all know, is often in the eye of the beholder. And yes, it IS important to have Native Hawaiians in government, but only if the particular candidate in question is the most qualified.

Second, I may be hopelessly unrealistic, but I would like a candidate who is ready on day one and won't have to "grow into the job." Yes, I know they all have to grow into it to one extent or another, but it is unsettling to see it put right up front like that. Honest, but unsettling. The fact that I am having a hard time deciding whom to support may be an indication of just how unrealistic I am in this regard, but I'm still trying.

I understand Jerry, It has taken me fifteen years to accept the fact that Hawaii is as ethically oriented as it is. But it is.

Meanwhile, unless we are voting for an incumbent or candidate with previous similar office experience I think we have to rationally assume that they will be learning on the job (or not) and growing into the position (or not). Both Wayne and Kale show a need to grow into the job. Wayne is behind the curve (in my opinion) on issues and Kale is perhaps behind the curve on technique (in James W.'s opinion). Not all issues can be determined by ethical calculations. My case in point on the referendum illustrates that. I spent a couple months waiting to see how Wayne handled issues. Meanwhile I watched Kale get better and better at technique.

Then I made my decision. I am not planning to wait till the day before voting to support a candidate.

Meanwhile I do not choose Kale Gumapac merely because he is a native Hawaiian man. It is a factor though. I witnessed a substantial groundswell of pride locally when Emily Naeole was elected. That pride was a good thing but has been impacted by events over twenty months. I would prefer, all other things being even (and they are not), to see increased interest, focus and involvement in our community and try to attempt a "bringing together" to combat Emily's Naeole's repeated declarations of "The haoles are being mean to me". Emily contributes to divisiveness. Kale contributes to cohesiveness.

That's my point of view. A bit complex perhaps but Puna is a complex place.

Kale Gumapac for Council District 5

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Mr. Weatherford – I guess you and I see Kale from different perspectives. I’d like to share my viewpoint.
You and others say that Kale is angry. I do not see him angry. I see a lot of passion and intensity. Intensity / passion is good – but, to some people because of their own experiences in life it may come across as anger to those people, but it isn’t.
You also said he “blusters and blames” again I see Kale speaking with clarity in describing the issues and “telling it as it is”. There is no blame, just stating what is. I personally like this kind of honesty and clarity. We need that in our government – accountability and transparency. Again, there is a difference between blaming and holding one accountable for their actions. The lack of transparency and accountability in all phases of our government must change and with Kale, Angel and Tony - - for the first time in the local government arena, I see a ray of hope. That is why I am supporting all three of them.
Your description of “Lack of cool head and being calm when there is pressure” – I’ve seen Kale attacked by a lot of people and stay calm. He is a teacher when it is appropriate and a warrior when it is needed.
You did mention “workable solutions”. So apparently you do not agree with Kale’s solutions. I would like to hear more about your “workable solutions”.
Also regarding your newest entry – is Kale aware of the “consciousness of the universe…” He definitely is! You should spend some personal time with him and discuss these issues.
A hui hou - Nohea
Mr Carr - It seems you are comparing Emily Naeole and Kale - as if they come from the same place. The only thing they have in common is that they both have enough Hawaiian to qualify for Hawaiian Homes. Emily has worked very hard, but she is unable to see that she has reached her limit (the Peter Principle).
Kale, on the other hand is brilliant. The reason why you don’t know much about Kale’s qualifications is because he is too humble to talk about all he has done.
It sounds as if you may live in these islands, but you haven’t accepted the gifts that living here can bring. One of these gifts - is the support and strength of all of our kupuna (ancesters). This includes yours too!
Kale’s Great- Great Grandfather was David Malo. When I first heard Kale talk, I had to ask him who is ancestors were, because I heard them speak through him.
When he speaks of his work with the Kanaka Council that is only some of what he has done.
FYI – the Kanaka Council has members from every nationality, not just Kanaka Maoli. Liz Randol, a haole, introduced me to my first meeting.
Also the work the Kanaka Council is doing, supports the healing of our planet, not just the Hawaiian people.
Is he qualified for the job representing us as the District 5 County Council? Yes!!!
Does he need to “grow into this job”? No! He is there now; they need to catch up with him!
He is probably the only one really qualified for this job. It is time for change! Accountability and transparency – no ***** footing around.
Malama Pono - Nohea
Nohea, thank you for pointing out the importance of cumulative cultural and familial roots and knowledge. That concept has been an important part of my life. Yes, I am still learning about Hawaii and I accept that I need to know more. Many of my own ancestors, whose value you kindly acknowledge, were enlisted soldiers in the Confederate Army. Those noble, but misguided, soldiers and their families suffered terribly because they did not question the motives of the Southern aristocracy who claimed leadership by heritage and birthright. Thus it is in my nature to question people who claim leadership based on lineage and tradition.

I just think it would be wrong for me to reject OR support a candidate based on who his ancestors were. I do respect Kale Gumapac for what he has done and proposes to do. I am just not sure he is the best person for this job, that's all. After reviewing my own notes and the opinions posted here and elsewhere, I have decided to support Wayne Joseph. I don't agree with him on every issue, but I believe he can be a successful coalition builder who can work with other Council members to overcome the neglect Puna has suffered for so long.

Aloha Jerry, You have not made a bad decision. I have confidence in Wayne though my first choice is clear. We are rather blessed to have a surplus of good candidates for an important Puna position.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Aloha also to Nohea,

Mahalo for joining us. I hope you will share more of your experience and hopes for the future with us.

Would you please tell us more of your views on the current state, past and future of Puna?

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Aloha Nohea,
I do not believe I said Kale was angry (or mad). I found where I related his "dissatisfaction with the world's problems" (which I share) and an absence of his offering well-grounded solutions.
Note my point: my opposition to his election to County Council in 2008 is NOT about castigating Kale Gumapac the person. No way.
My take on Kale is that he has much to offer our community. Kale is a good man. In my opinion, drawn from personal and pertinent professional viewpoint, in this year, 2008, Kale Gumapac is simply not suited for the tinder box of Hawaii County Council politics.
Kale's not being elected to Council in 2008 is not the end. His candidacy is one piece of a broader scenario that is symptomatic of the beginning of something new, and, I think, better. There is much work to be done and I look forward to sharing with him the work to address Puna's challenges in the years to come.
2008 County Council election is just not Kale's time.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Originally posted by james weatherford

... Kale Gumapac is simply not suited for the tinder box of Hawaii County Council politics....

Dr. W -

Instead of bagging on Gumapac so much... can you tell me what are the reasonS (Yes with a capitol S) you are supporting Naeole?

Is the only reason... her eventual vote on the Wheelabrator?

If you base your support on one candidate because of only one vote... then you may be disappointed down the line.

Please... if Kale is not ready for the tinderbox... then why is Naeole? She hasn't proven herself in the time she has been in the tinderbox?

I do think this race will be close between Mr. Gumapac and Mr. Joseph. I just can't see Naeole getting elected again.


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