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Try having outgoings but no incomings at home and see how long you last!
People need money to live. To get money, you need a job. To get a job you need a business. To have a business you have to have a way to add value, ie generate money.
Someone has to pay for all those ships arriving with goodies.
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If Shane wants to emulate the late, great "Crocodile Hunter" and appear the brave outdoorsman; that's his business. I would never argue with Steve Irwin's right to stick his head into the mouth of a huge croc, or swim with stingrays for that matter. (Blimey)!
What Steve Irwin would never do is tell a person who trusts his judgement, that such acts are safe; (and that will be $199 thank you very much).
Shane isn't even the most experienced boat guide out there. That would be Jose, who did it on a smaller scale for years and lost his boat and barely escaped with his life. You can talk to Jose who sells his photos at the viewing area.
Shanes claims to fame are "self generated" for ego purposes. His father's claims (The maverick fisherman known as "Lava Bud") are a fabrication also. I don't know anyone who's heard of "Lava Bud".
Sorry, but I've seen him operate, and he recklessly leads people who trust his judgement into dangerous situations. Helicopter rides are thrilling also, until they fly into a "Cumulo-Granite" (cloud with a mountain inside).
He's milking it as long as the eruption lasts, but the longer it lasts, the greater the chance that he's going to hurt someone.
So answer me please Shane;
Do you approach the bench closer than say, 50 yards?
Do you expose your passengers to the fumes and particles in the plume?
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Oink thanks for the complete lo down on the easy [

] hike in! I'll need to rethink this adventure, maybe pare it down a little for it to work for me. Good luck with the back and knee and the smoke, hope you get another go at it!
mella l
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and wrong....because sometime in your life you will have been all of these."
mella l
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There are quite a few hikes in te Saddle area that are all incredible.... some short & fun (Pu'u Huluhulu early in the morning, as the sun rises, the birds are spectacular, the glacier gulches of Waikahalulu & Pohakaloa, the fog drip areas along the way to Pu'u La'au & Ula'ula, the rustic pathways to the Pu'u O'o Ranch on Mauna Kea) others are great with 4WD assist...
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Since Grim Greg has so much love I though Id return your request
We travel approx. 100 yard from the active entry
Most of the noxious fumes & harmful gases reside in the plume cloud which we stay upwind of. Like I posted earlier Ill gauarentee you find more gases walking trough the HVO park then on our tour.
As for experience who are you to speak I remember when we first started seeing Jose with the Vamenos at flow as him. If you havent met my father Bud "Lavaman" Turpin you havent been here very long hes a well respected local contractor,the most experienced lava diver in the world, a long time Pohoiki fisherman, & as of recently a Pilot.
Our regular rate is $199 & has not changed in 2 years now in all honesty we should raise prices 30% like everyone else
Kama'aina get a $50 discount - for a rate of $149 on our sunrise or sunset tour. The sunrise has long been my favorite
Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures
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Yes you are right these are waterspouts that are regularly created when the lava touches the sea. When the winds are variable they can remain for up to 10 minutes sometimes. I like to think of them as spirits in the wind.
As always great to hear the voice of Puna
heres some photos I took once upon a time enjoy
As you might notice Lava Jose's on the page shooting from the back of the Lavakat after he lost his boat we took him in & made sure he didn't go lavaless. My partner Dan helped him get his old motors running again once he bought the Vamenos 2 & hes back in action.
Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures
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Originally posted by LavaOcean
We travel approx. 100 yard from the active entry...
That's a full on lie! Shane didnt pass first grade if he really believes that he stays 100 yards away. I have seen spatter hitting his boat, I have seen him drive through the plume, and I have seen pieces of the frozen lava front fall in the same space that his boat occupied just 30 seconds before it fell. The man surely has a right to do this.. to himself! after all darwin has a way of dealing with idiots. But to do this with tourists on board is another thing entirely. I suppose if enough is said about it he'll find the regulators all clamoring to show him the light of day.
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for someone who has seen him do this stuff firsthand
you may have to file a report
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One more small question Shane;
Where do you flush the human waste from the full marine head that's aboard the Lavakai?