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Weekend Veterinarian available
I often see posts of people looking for a weekend vet. Well Now there is a vet clinic open on Saturday and SUNDAY. [Smile]
East Hawaii Veterinary Center
111 East Puainako # A-109
Prince Kuhio Plaza (Next to Maceys and Kuhio Grill)
959-2273 call for appointment
Mahalo nui loa!!!!
Good news. (Already a client - 4 patients)


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Boxers are not patients,they are impatients.[Wink]
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Cute re boxers! I use E HI Vet also. Just had three "fixed" there. Recommend you "buy" the "coupon" for that from the Humane (or inhumane?) Society first. Somewhat cheaper.
Fixed? Were they broken Sherrill?[Wink]


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
We Love our animals, they are four legged family, you never know how long you get to share your lives together, speaking of broken... I once worked at an auto repair center on the mainland and we had an elderly woman named Mrs. Brown who was a regular customer, very nice. Well one day she brought her station wagon in for service work and the bumper needed some touch-up painting for a scuff. So after we did the service work we sent it out to a nearby body shop that we used. It was getting late in the day when we got the car back and tried to contact her to let her know her car was done, but no luck. So, Dean, the service manager was just locking the gate when she called and said she had trouble getting a ride to pick up her car and would be there in about an hour, asking Dean to please wait because she really needed her car back because she had forgotton and left her dog Toby in the rear compartment where she had a box for him. Being she was a good customer and a sweet person Dean agreed to wait and pullled her car around for her. He checked on her dog only to find it with no food or water in the rear compartment dead. Oh he started to panic, The dog looked like a common mutt mixed breed, then an idea came to mind, the animal shelter not far form the shop, he thought I'll bet I can find a another almost identical, so off he went. As luck would have it he found one very close, they could have been from the same litter. When Mrs. Brown arrived to pick up her car Toby popped up his head in the rear compartment, startling her. She screamed OH MY God!! It's a miracle, I can't believe it, Toby past away last night in his sleep and I was on the way to bury him this morning when I remembered I had an appointment to have my car serviced. He's alive!! Praise the Lord!! [Wink] True Story..
Right on, Carrie! Probably not, but I thought they were broken. With one female in heat & two unfixed males, (why do they call their operation an "orchidectomy?) I thought I'd go nuts. Whining, howling, crying, snapping (and that was ME - just kidding!)
Seriously, I emotionally didn't want to have them "done," it was very difficult. The female was SO cute & pretty, her beau was glossy black with blue eyes; but when Kea'au Humane Society is "putting down" over 1,000 animals a month, an unimaginably, obsene number, we each have to do our part not to help add to the population. My gut twinges every time I see people selling puppies outside of Longs / Safeway. What will happen to each of those puppies? Will they all go to "good" homes? The odds are hugely against it.
Spyder & Carrie - After 16 years, I had to have my two doggie best friends euthinized(?). Hospital life was their future and unacceptable for me. It was the absolute worst day of my life so far, and I've lived awhile. Several months later I told The Universe I was ready and able to care for two dogs - within two weeks three dogs showed up; I chased a pickup truck where a cadaverous female was being dropped off at the Humane Society. I advertised & put out flyers on the other two, no one wanted them back. When I got the Humane Society little girl from 24 pounds to 44 pounds, (and a big vet bill) good friends A & C took her, she's a little doll. The other two males (and one poi dog I had who knew my two original best friends) are adjusting and adapting nicely to me and to each other. We're a family. People sometimes let us down, and their doggie friends down, tho the dogs don't let US down. Hugs to Toby.
Sherrill, castration is referred to as an orchidectomy/orchiectomy because "orchis"is the Greek word for testicle. Orchids got their name because of the appearance of the paired tubers of some species.

Good for you for getting them fixed, though. There are so many amazing animals waiting desperately for homes!


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