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Angel Pilago vs. Billy Kenoi
It's On!

Just a piece of my thinking
It's On!Gonna have to do person-to-person contact big time. Need money but there won't be any. Need quick rallys with food and entertainment. Need something. Even with Inouye and Angel vote together don't equal Billy at this point. And Inouye people are not going to all just go to Angel, as if.

So, Bring it on!
I believe the General election will bring out more "Obama" voters who know Angel is the best for this position.

Just a piece of my thinking
I'm going to sew my blue Obama T shirt front to the ack of my red Pilago shirt and it will look like they are endorsing eah other and that will get Angel a lot of votes!
Kenoi v Pilago

Needed: side-by-side comparisons of

1) successes and achievements
2) sources of campaign dollars
3) legal infractions


James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Good Call James... so line it up for us. Let's see apples to apples and get the word out!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
County and church play hand in hand when it comes to politics on this island. They shouldn't....but they do. And many church goers are swayed based on what their church leaders believe. That may be one area that needs to be looked at in getting the word out about Angel.
When we are in a discussion about the mayor's race, it seems quite a few people are undecided. The problem is even if they like Angel Pilago, they are hesitant about voting for him. The opinion is, he's anti-business, anti-superferry, anti-growth, which will discourage new development from coming in, this comes at a time, when many employees have either lost their jobs or have their hours cut. Also there is a concern about the reaction of the local county employees, someone from the west side, trying to change things, they are not known for being overly cooperative. Unless Angel can get his message out clearly! My thoughts are, majority will go for Billy Kenoi.
Originally posted by hikatz

...The opinion is, he's anti-business, anti-superferry, anti-growth, which will discourage new development from coming in, this comes at a time, when many employees have either lost their jobs or have their hours cut...

I think you nailed it smack dab on the head.
That is the myth put forth by the big money interests in the county. They do have some reason to be worried and concerned and they want to try to get you to feel that way too. Angel Pilago is motivated by the interests of the many versus the few.

They are the few. You are the many.

Don't buy it.

But if you are a contractor who is used to getting $2 million to do $1 million worth of work you might have reason to be concerned and should probably donate to the guy who will keep you happy.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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