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Thank you for voting
I have been out today doing some waving at the polls. I want to thank those citizens who turned out to vote. It is your actions on which we base our social contract.


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Punaweb moderator
We voted on Wednesday at the Malama site -- easy and no pressure. Shaka'ed the Marzi folks out early morning as I came through town. Didn't see you (8:00-ish).

Mahalo to all who vote and express yourselves!!! Whatever the decision, big turnout means that it's a community process, and that's a good thing. Voting is our precious right, and I can only think of one vote I didn't participate in since 1972, and that was a school board election only. It was drummed into me as a child by my parents and a young person in the 60's that voting is critical, and we've passed that value on to our son. DO IT!


It was really interesting at the polls yesterday... at the sign in table, family members noting which ones hadn't yet voted, mostly with a "I gotta get 'em out here" stance...

Fun to watch the first time voters, some with all of their family ( one had ALLL of their family, big potluck planned after) supporting their first vote...

We had one older couple celebrating his first vote as a new citizen...

We had people literally climbing the fence to vote ( the polling was at the Intermediate cafeteria....& some had parked in the wrong lot, separated by a tall (er than me) fence, one guy hopped the fence to vote!

Some families brought their children to see the voting process.

What was missing? I didn't see a lot of 20-40 somethings.... more of grey & some first timers... Part f this is our precinct, but this is also the precinct I live in, and I know there are more.....

Thanks also to our neighbors and family (like my wife, Elizabeth) who work at the polls -- 14+ hour day!
Now, for November, what we gotta do is work those dear people hard with record turnout!

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
My nephew got to vote for his very first time and it got to be here in Hawaii Saturday!

He was very excited!

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