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YB will get their raise, you can always airfreight if you don't like it And as long as there's no competition they'll keep raising rates. And SF might hit a whale!
Geothermal is the only non intermittent alternative source that could actually make EV's feasible.
But a good grantwriter and a couple of the "save somthing" crowd will be able to kill any project not blessed by their "religion". When I hear about proposals to blacklist scientists because they don't bow to Al Gore it sure sounds religious.
Gordon J Tilley
Gordon J Tilley
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I'm sure that all the airlines will now quickly eliminate their nickel and diming baggage chargers which were implemented to deal with rising fuel prices. ;-)
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Some already have, and their prices by almost 50%. Amazing what competition does. I'd bet that YB will lower their rates if the SF is brought into BI, especially Hilo!
Gordon J Tilley
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Superferry will never come to Hilo! I'd be pleasantly surprised if it comes to the Big Island at all. As long as the Hawaiian economy is depressed...that second ship will never see a Hawaiian port.
Don't get me wrong...I would love to see Superferry here. But they are loosing money just operating the one ship to Maui! AND KAUAI DOESN'T WANT THEM.
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Unless it's military application could be used to give it a hedge over slow times. Two or three days a week would be better than nothing. otherwise as a troop/vehicle transport. Have to agree that Hilo would be a stretch.
I'd like to know if commercial freight is set at whatever YB charges, as are electric costs here. PUC backed monopolies could kill us eventually. Are those on the PUC voting comittes stockholders in any of the companies they supposedly oversee.
Gordon J Tilley
Within a few weeks of the super ferry operating out of Hilo, the other islands with be inundated with coqui frogs.
Barges come in and out of Hilo almost every day now as it is. Why is it that the SF is the only way that the coqui will find it's way to other islands? It's all about the shipper and airline people that don't want to see any hands in their cookie jar. You can toss in the car rental folks on that too, and I'm sure there are more that have a vested intrest that would like to see the SF sinks. Good for them bad for us [the people that will benifit
The Lack
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And it was implemented by Lingle.
Gordon J Tilley
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Gas prices have risen in the last week at Costco. Honolulu Costco was $1.95 and is now $2.13. Kona Costco was $2.05 (briefly)...and is now $2.14. Most other stations are just dropping about a penny or 2 a week to $2.38 a gallon in Hilo
Strange how oil is still going down ($35.00 a barrel today) yet prices are increasing at Costco and barely moving with the others. I wonder if there is a bottoming out price on gasoline where even if oil dropped to $10.00 a barrel...gasoline would not go any lower?
I bet they figure it is a good time to stick it to the customers, while they are used to paying higher prices.