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Superferry shut down for good
Court finds in favor of enviormental groups. Superferry's last day is Thursday!
"The opera ain’t over until the fat lady sings." In this case the "soap opera"!

Will the Governor call another special session to bail the sinking ferry?'t_ov...lady_sings

"Each thing I do I rush through so I can do something else" - Cemetery Nights/Stephen Dobyns
The Governor would be better served to order an expedited environmental study, like she should have done originally.

She instead took money from HSF and assured them it wasn't neccessary.

I think this issue will mark the end of Linda's political career.
While the Governor was certainly pushing for the Superferry environmental exemption, the State Supreme Court action yesterday was to nullify legislation allowing it. Thus the Democrat-controlled Legislature is equally to blame. Yet another case where everybody on this bus was a Bozo.

So the question becomes how long it will take them to produce the required assessment, will it pass muster, and will the SF still be afloat financially when it's all done. Should be interesting, but don't count on common sense or sound economics to prevail.

I think it is a few months away. In the mean time they can take the vessel else where to work. They'll be back, and about a year from now there'll be two of them.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond

What would really be great is to stop all motorized modes of transport from coming to Hawaii. we should go back to dugout cats or at least wooden ships.

Capitalist pigs and there dirty global warming inducing hydro-carbons.

Honor the Aina, say no to all things modern.

Daniel, I hope so. We did the Maui-Oahu R/T and it was great. Could be a good asset when they're both running!
Gordon J Tilley
At least they haven’t run it up on a beach / coral reef , like the navy did with one of theirs a little while ago –oops

It will be interesting to read the eis. The ferry can now prove they ran for 11 months without any issues, (other than the rock fiasco)

A better record than their nemeses, the whale folks , or was it last year when the foundation boat full of watchers ran over the whale?

Right now is a good time to put it on the hard and get ready for next season, good timing. It will be back online in May / June with a new paint job and bottom if they have any luck.

I think that since the SF is required to have an EIS and that they be grounded until it's completed...that it should also be enforced for Matson, Young Brothers, and the Cruise ships that enter our harbors.

What's good for the goose.......
A foundation member on his own boat, drifting right into a pod "on study" was tail slapped by a male whale on one side (gunnle), seriously injuring a guest in a party of 3 with apperntly one WW executive member aboard.

Most whale injuries are Propeller strikes, SF is propelled by a jet of water where all WWF boats are prop driven. Very low whale counts in the Maui/Molokai channel but choke WWF whale harassers even their execs when they want to impress guests!
Gordon J Tilley

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