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I have to show three kinds of I.D. to get on a plane to Hawaii. How are "Illegals" getting to the Big Island ? I heard of a ranch in MT View at the top of Glenwood that was cartel owned and the DEA confiscated it a few years back.
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quote: Originally posted by Rene
How are "Illegals" getting to the Big Island ?
Define "Illegal" in the context of the question.
A person can enter the US legally. They can travel to Hawaii legally. But if they don't have the proper work authority and start to work, they are illegal alien "workers", not illegal aliens as in entering illegally.
Also a Mexican national is not an illegal alien, they are just a citizen of Mexican. They could be here legally. Just like if a US Citizen is arrested abroad, they are US Nationals and does not mean they are illegally in that country.
Many individuals who look like Mexican and speak spanish are AMERICANS, born and raised here, and are US Citizens. Seems whites tend to think anyone not white is a foreigner. They don't place the same stereotype on foreigners from white countries.
Mexican cartels is the latest hot news story so everyone, Mexican, Puerto Ricans, Panamanians, New York Ricans, Cubans, Native Americans, Hawaiians, anyone a shade darker than white is part of the Mexican cartels. Just like after 9-11, everyone who had a hint of middle east or southwest asian traits were Islamic terrorist. That’s why some all American white guy killed a man from India. He applied typical American white racist attitudes and killed him because he wasn't white.
Truth is, nobody knows if the drugs are from the Mexican cartels or Costa Ricans, Argentineans, Brazilians, Nicaraguan, or what. All white Americans know is it's not their lily white crowd so it must be Mexicans.
Just wait until some Samolian pirate murders a bunch of American sailors and any black person (6th generation US citizen, decorated serviceman, defender of American values) walks down along Hilo Harbor and they will be accused by white Americans of being part of an international piracy gang.
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My wife is a USA born Mexican.I can speak better Spanish than she can.
She is also somewhat dark skinned,so she is accepted here as a local.I have a very dark tan,but my facial features give me away as a hauli and most locals hate me even though they don't know me.
The question was "Are the Mexican drug cartels in Hilo ?"
The answer is yes.
The cartels are the pipeline pumping most drugs to Hawaii.
The distribution end is not their business and that is why you don't see machine guns on the street.
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Big Bob
"All white Americans know is its not their lily white crowd so it must be mexicans".
what you talking about willis? Im lost at your talk here.
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The ball continues to roll on this topic, so here I go again with the coffee plantation. One of the illegal Mexicans went home for a few months to plant beans and corn, and spend time with his family. He was a very hard-working, intelligent, and well-spoken person. I found it very easy to like him, and instinctivelly felt that he was no different in character from my ancestors who legally immigrated to America more than 100 years ago. In order to return, he had to cross the border and from there he would get on a plane. He was expected to return on a certain date but got caught at the border, was sent back to Mexico, and had to do it again. I think there was a "coyote" connection. I'm extremely confident that this guy was not a cartel member and I don't know the details of how he got here but if an honest, decent person can do it, so can others.
Samdooby mentioned pimps in his tirade. On that note, I'd like to speak briefly of another illegal Mexican that I got to know at the plantation. He was a slimy opportunist who doubled as a spy for the farm manager, and he told me about having personal knowledge of an Asian prostitution ring on the Kona side. The going rate was $400.00 a pop, and since he also claimed to having a family in Mexico, I often wondered how he could afford such an extravagance. I'm not hinting that he was a closet cartel member, nor am I suggesting that these young girls were here by reasons other than their own free will, but I am fairly good at doing math.
Tainted drugs, diseased prostitutes, slavery, extortion, and all the rest go hand-in-hand with corrupt officials whose paychecks come from taxpayer dollars, and it's so easy to do. Just beat a moral drum for those who object to what others want, keep it illegal, and you're in business. It is sad to say, but this dark and cynical side of human nature will not change until the very fabric of society is threatened with distruction, and even then it may take something else to give people the pleasures that they want and even need without interference from those who object.
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Another note worthy FACT, there is no single Mexican Cartel. There are seven separate drug trafficking groups at war with each other over control of distribution to the US. Cartel?, not even close, but it's a good word that stirs emotions, and politicians and the media knows people act on emotions, not facts.
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Centipede you are funny...
Only thing Im going to say is, if there are cartels here in Hawaii, I hope they bring some better food that Luquins, Emmas, Ruebens, Pancho & Leftys, Tacos Unico, Ceviche Daves, etc...
Instead of selling drugs, maybe they can sell me their aubelitas taco de pastor recipe...
Id be willing to pay for that...[  ]
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The drug problem in America is the result of a few million losers who refuse to grow up,get straight,or take some responsibility for the horrible toll this mess is taking on this country.Get a friggin` life.If you can`t find happiness in life sans drugs,you`re pathetic.
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Bob orts, you're right on the money as usual.
Samdooby, you're babbling again but just in case you've been living in a vacuum all your life, please be advised that ethnic eateries are notorious hubs for international espionage and criminal activity in general.
skydawg, you too are babbling. If there were just a few million users, it wouldn't be the issue it is today and by saying a person is pathetic if they can't find happiness living the pristine life you have chosen, you are, of course, including consumers of alcohol. What you do with your life is your business and if you're happy, then I'm happy for you, but to pass judgement on tens of millions of whom you know absolutely nothing about is based upon a blind, righteous compulsion full of inspiration, not observation. The horrible toll this mess is taking is due to illegality, not product. Think Al Capone.
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Hold on there centipede dont start acting tough and making assumptions, calling out people and such, okay tough guy???
Your posts are ridiculous and jump to so many conclusions on various levels. What I posted was a joke to calm the tension down in here. Nothing more, nothing less.