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What's in a name?
I was recently called an idiot on Punaweb by Dakine... You know... Dakine... a Whachumacallit... You know... Dakine.

wow dude! you mean you clutter up that ugly site of yours with all that crap yourself! man you're a bigger idiot than I thought!

So what's in a name?

Many people use their real names and stand behind them on message boards.

Other people use nicknames for a reason that dates way back before message boards even existed.

I tend to not give much credibility to those people that use anonymous nicknames, but I've learned that many people with anonymous nicknames can really contribute a lot to a thread.

Most people think people hide behind names, but I really don't think that's the case as many people will have a screen name and then just simply back up their screen name with their real name.

Some people use their screen name to hide behind a shallow wall and throw cyber jabs under the guise of the internet.

I'm curious about peoples nicknames on Punaweb.

Why did you choose the name you choose. You don't have to disclose why you chose the name. Obviously if you're nickname is PunaHotdogSeller... Then I think we get the jist of things.

I'm curious about a few nicknames in general.

Anyone want to let out why you chose the Punaweb name you did?

I chose Damon... I would have put "Damon Tucker" down... but as I lurked on Punaweb for a few weeks... I realized this was "Rob's" forum and I didn't want people to think that I was related or affiliated with him.

That's the story behind Damon.

What's the story behind yours?

And no Dr. Weatherford... You don't get to play this MEME. [8D]

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs

Please explain. Smile

"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Meme: OOPS Wrong MEME..

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Uh... I was going to take PunaHotdogSeller but it was already taken. I think mine is relatively transparent. I don't even remember for sure where it came from but it is a combination of things I am called by people (Blakey is a term of endearment I guess and Lynn and I jointly are often referred to as "the boys"). It stuck and I use it everywhere. The 1 was added because some other bastard somewhere had Blakeyboy...Grrr. LOL.

So then Blake... shouldn't you technically be 2?

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Damon don't be an idiot - there, now it is two for you ;-)

My initials and a number that actually means nothing at this point. It was a randomly assigned employee number years back that went with my initials for a network logon name.
It's been said that if you want to know what people really think, then let them answer anonymously. I think it's very worthwhile that people can choose to not reveal their identity on a forum, especially on a small island.
I've often seen the argument about using your real name otherwise your opinion is worthless, but I can't agree with it. It's what you write and whether you can back it up that matters, not what your name is. I'm the first to ignore an anonymous comment from someone saying "you suck", but then again I can't ignore an intelligent and well-argued post from an anonymous source.

There are dangers to using your real identity online especially if you involve yourself in controversial topics. I know, I've found out the hard way because I used to do it. I ended up spending a substantial amount of money on legal costs when a lunatic decided to sue 2000 people because they didn't agree with his opinion. I was one of the few with an identity (and therefore address) that was easy to find and I ended up being served.

The case was thrown out of court at the very first stage, it was absolutely frivolous, but because I used my real identity I ended paying most of the legal costs because I was the easiest to find. I've also seen people's NI numbers posted online just because they're in an argument about the validity of some pseudo-science and know of some people being stalked in real life.

So, use your real name if you want, I used to and understand why people think it's important, but you do increase the chances of abuse from some of the stranger folk out there.
I WAS Carriereddd, which is part of my email (Carrie Reddd, Carrie Rojo, Reddd-Rojo, get it?) but then YOU gave me such a hard time about how many posts I had and became competitive about the "rank" that was given for reaching 1000 posts ad nauseum[Sad!], that shortly thereafter I changed my handle to "Chuysmom" ('cause that's who I am - Chuy's Mom) and decided to start all over.

Now I'm kinda used to you...and sometimes (dare I say it?) fond of you.[Wink] (Don't tell anyone 'cause I'll deny it vehemently.)[:I]

Carrie Rojo

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR

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