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deciphering paint markings on our road
We're in Royal Hawaiian Estates (County roads). About a week ago or so, some white spray-painted markings showed up on every street in our subdivision. They are all approx 10 yards beyond the start of each block on the right edge of the street. The top lines all say "TRF", followed by a number which seem to all be sequential from street to street. The second line has what looks like an arrow inside a circle followed by a number 7 followed by a tiny circle (degree symbol)

Yes this is such a random question but I'm really curious as to what these are for. It resembles something from a utility company but there are no buried utilities where we live. Power and phone are both overhead, and there is no county water or sewer. My delusional wish is that this is for Time Warner to bring us cable! I know I'm probably dreaming, but my brain is broadband-deprived and my imagination takes over sometimes Wink

Does anybody have an idea? I'm afraid it is just something to do with the roads themselves such as paving, but hey I can dream, right?
It's taggings from a new street gang that's moved into the area called the Cantilevers. The gang is made up mostly of retired engineers. Expect to see mathamatical formulas spray painted on the side of buildings next.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
HAAA HAAA HAAA....silly Oink!

Carrie Rojo

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Another puzzle – circle followed by a number 7 followed by a tiny circle

Me - I am still working on those little triangle thingies painted on the road. Sharks teeth are what they call them in parts of Europe – has something to with right of way me thinks
I think those are USGS markings for future volcanic vents.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I think those are USGS markings for future volcanic vents

Correctomundo there! So we can all watch it on google earth!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Thank you - good to know. I for one will not be buying a lot anywhere near a triangle.
How about the zig-zag paint stripes for crosswalks in town. Those make all the out of townies lolo.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Originally posted by Bullwinkle
Me - I am still working on those little triangle thingies painted on the road. Sharks teeth are what they call them in parts of Europe – has something to with right of way me thinks

I don't know about how universal the usage is, but here in CA I've seen rows of triangles painted on the pavement at a yield point in a right turn lane, as in, "You don't have to stop here but you need to yield (stop) if someone is coming."

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