I think these are both excellent ideas:
Mainstreet Pahoa Assoc. had a proposal a few years ago for a professionally run camp ground on the land above the community pool. Nice location, great views. This would be attractive to eco-type tourists who could spend money in town and appreciate the laid back Hawaii that we have to offer. These folks travel light and are not looking for $200 rooms.
Another good potential would be for the Land Preservation Fund to acquire Green Mountain/ Green Lake and make it a low key eco-park suitable for locals and tourists alike. Much better property than Steam Vents as far as preservation value.
Right now Puna has two good draws. The flows and entry for lower Puna and the National Park for upper Puna.
For lower Puna I suggest taking part of the Makuu area and creating Emily's cultural center combined with a sort of terminal complex. The cultural center should provide luaus and hula demonstrations. Amateur hula is just fine and appeals to a lot of people. Dancers of all ages, from little tykes to adults. Paid exceptionally authentic luau could be offered. Traditional craft demonstrations etc. Complimenting this would be regular, frequent and dependable shuttles taking tourists to both the entry viewings and Pahoa town and any other viable destinations. Some would love to tour a mac or coffee farm, etc. Secure parking so that tourists taking the shuttles can leave their cars without worry. Tour bus parking, of course. The Makuu could be a destination from which the shuttles would take tourists to other attractions. This would allow Puna to profit from the tourism trade while minimizing the increase of traffic.
For upper Puna I would do much the same except I would put the terminal across the street from the Orchid farm and run shuttles from there into the park and the village.
In both areas I would create the facilities that locals would want to use for their own programs that tourists might enjoy watching.
I'm sure the tour companies could be brought on board when they are shown that they have an easy destination that creates positive reviews. The cruise ships could just bus their guests directly to the centers where their guests would have numerous choices of activities.
As for the Pahoa sidewalk, I would be careful what you ask for. A modern concrete walkway would remove a lot of the charm of Pahoa. I would replace it with another boardwalk that would match the period look of the town.
Big Islander to be.