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Lenders screw Pahoa
Sorry, I missed the rule about saying "hello' in a first post. "Hi".

1. An insinuation was made that somehow my comments on the Star Bulletin (SB) article were solely made due to my being dissatisfied that someone left my company. This is untrue, and I perceived this as an attack on me; thus my comment to set the record straight. Mr. Dirgo has exceptional knowledge of the Puna area, and has been one of the best sources for information regarding real estate and other issues in Puna, both on this forum and while he was attached to my company; many folks, including myself, have been rewarded by his efforts in this regard. However, to attempt to deflect / minimize criticism of his position on the Fannie Mae issue as merely a case of sour grapes due to his departure is ridiculous, and so I made it clear that there are issues that exist between he & I, yet unrelated to a simple flight to greener pastures.

2. Another comment was made that agreed with the above comment and proposed that I should be happy for someone's accomplishments. Sorry, but circumstances exist in this particular situation that make such a gesture impossible for me. Again, I felt I should set the record straight; John is well aware of the issue, and chose to negate it with his false claim that Fannie (and the reporter) corroborates his statement that Fannie has made some radical departure from their previous stance. Not true.

3. Aaron has now confirmed that the SB reporter didn't accurately report the situation with Fannie Mae: the reality is that they never backed loans in 1 & 2, yet the inflammatory article, and Mr. Dirgo, make it seem as though there is some radical policy change via a "Lava Loan Meltdown" when it is simply not true. Nothing has changed, there is no discrimination; Fannie continues to not back loans there, and to the best of my knowledge, most, if not all, of the conventional financing in zones 1 & 2 still continues to be readily available to those that qualify. This is exactly, and only, what I posed as contradictory to Mr. Dirgo's statements in the article, yet he (and others) choose to make it appear as though some vendetta is at the core of my comments. Simply, again, not true. Mr. Rabi correctly points out the fact that Fannie's long-term policy was obviously indeed in existence in some written form; huge organizations such as this don't dictate such succinct policy purely by word-of-mouth.

4. The folks that own property in zones 1 & 2 have been severely damaged by this unwarranted pot-stirring. There are those that will take the SB article (which contains direct quotes from members of this forum) at face value. Property values and personal wealth will decline because of this, yet somehow this reality escapes some members of this forum.

Here's an email I received today from a buyer (who had been previously interested in land in Nanawale) from Oahu today:

"My fiancée and I are still very interested in purchasing a land in the Big Island. I was wondering if you would be able to provide any active listing’s that are at least in the lava zone 3 area. I would be paying cash for the property, but I want to make sure that I can get future financing if needed and with recent guideline changes with Fannie Mae they will no longer lend on lava zones 1 or 2.

Thanks for you help!"

And of course, now I have to explain that the article wasn't accurately reported...and contained inaccurate statements by member(s) of this forum...yet in the end this buyer will end up rejecting all properties in Zones 1 & 2...

I am completely uninterested in "getting even", worrying about "ego", or "making a sale". Instead, my concern is that folks in Puna wake up to the fact that shining a light on such a non-event is equivalent to shooting themselves in the foot. I have been a registered member of this forum for quite some time, but chose to make my first comment at this time strictly due to the inaccurate statements in the SB article.

Those that can't face this continue on at their (or their neighbor's) peril.
I have verified with several lenders (including Wells Fargo) that they have confirmed loans of theirs in the past were resold to Fannie Mae.

John Dirgo, R, BIC, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Originally posted by John S. Rabi

Aaron, do you really believe at such a large organization as Fannie Mae there is such a thing as "unwritten policy?"

You can call up the reporter yourself if you don't believe me.
Originally posted by IslandTrust

3. Aaron has now confirmed that the SB reporter didn't accurately report the situation with Fannie Mae: the reality is that they never backed loans in 1 & 2, yet the inflammatory article, and Mr. Dirgo, make it seem as though there is some radical policy change via a "Lava Loan Meltdown" when it is simply not true. Nothing has changed, there is no discrimination; Fannie continues to not back loans there, and to the best of my knowledge, most, if not all, of the conventional financing in zones 1 & 2 still continues to be readily available to those that qualify. This is exactly, and only, what I posed as contradictory to Mr. Dirgo's statements in the article, yet he (and others) choose to make it appear as though some vendetta is at the core of my comments. Simply, again, not true. Mr. Rabi correctly points out the fact that Fannie's long-term policy was obviously indeed in existence in some written form; huge organizations such as this don't dictate such succinct policy purely by word-of-mouth.

The reporter got this information from Fannie Mae's public relations officer. Thus if there is an accuracy issue it is with the PR person, not the reporter. I'd suggest you call up the reporter and get the PR's person's name and phone number and complain to her.

Better yet, I would suggest you call up the reporter now and complain to her about her inaccurate article.

That being said,this new written policy will probably have severe consequences. Especially since it includes most of Ka'u and South Kona where there hasn't been any recent lava flow activity.
Originally posted by Aaron S
Originally posted by John S. RabiAaron, do you really believe at such a large organization as Fannie Mae there is such a thing as "unwritten policy?"
You can call up the reporter yourself if you don't believe me
Sorry Aaron, I think you misunderstood me, I didn't say I didin't believe you.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I have created a users group to collect facts and testimonials from people that have been concerned and effected by apparent redlining of properties described as Lava Zones 1 and 2.

Part of the overall goal is to formulate a response and work as a team to address both lending and insurance issues.

It is a controlled forum designed to only present data and collect data. Many people will have questions and I am only one person. This forum is very active and has many very capable people. For this reason the users group directs people with questions to post them here.

It would be very useful if we all concentrate on collecting data and learning how we can object to being denied services owing to "increased risk" despite the fact that lenders are fully insured for that risk.

In particular, we need a good data base of who is still lending in the area. I have over 100 Hawaii lenders listed and need group help to document who is continuing to provide service to our area.

The forum can be found at:

I apologize for being off island so long as the situation in my absence has gotten worse. Hopefully, we can collectively work to end what I believe to be a questionable denial of services.

Lenders cited increased risk when denying loans in poor inner city neighborhoods. They were not allowed to get away with it back then when challenged.

Philip Maise
Homeowner Lava Zone 2

Former Puna Beach Resident
Now sailing in SE Asia
HOT BuOYS Sailing
Just what Punaweb needs, an outside site that directs people here for their "rants" in order to keep their own site "clear".


Note: due to editing by the above poster PBMaise this post refers to language now removed from their post.

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Welcome back Phil! Good luck with your project.
Originally posted by pbmaise
...being off island so long as the situation in my absence has gotten worse...

Good to see you Phil! The coconut wireless (aka Isle of You) has been slow so we didnt know you were back!

-Cat & Robert

PS Carol - Phil is a good guy, I am sure he is working towards collecting some real data, as he has previously spoke before our county council.
Welcome home Phil! great to have you back (Phil was our mortgage guy for two purchases and a refi -- he is a great guy)

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