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TV Recycling
Does anyone know where I can recycle my Sony 60" rear projection TV? It's completely dead so I can't donate it (Sears came out and said it would cost $2000.00 to repair). The things so big I can barely fit it in my truck. But the dump won't take it. Any advice would be appreciated...
I've had a 50-inch Mitsubishi sitting here for nearly a year and I can't find any way to get rid of it whole so am about to start dismantling and discarding it piece by piece. Good luck!

blessed are the cracked for they let in the light
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
My idea also. Although I thought it would simpler to drag it in the backyard first and run over it with a piece of heavy equipment. And then take the pieces to the dump. Either that or bury it
The county does electronic recycling twice a year. There was an article in the paper a while back that since the 2 shops that collect used electronic equipment stopped taking items, there is no place for people to go. You could research the Trib-Herald archives online. I would try calling the County Dept of Environmental Mgmt and asking them when the next e-waste day is. I would like to know my self as I am trying to get rid of a computer monitor.
Called the county. There is no e recycling . And no scheduled future Windows for dropoff. They said there is no money in the current budget for it statewide. I then asked what people do with old tv's. Computers...etc. They didn't have any answer. So I think dismantling it and then dumping it is the only answer
From Starsha Young at Opala in paradise:

...Mr.Kay's recycling is [accepting] electronic's. Some things he excepts for free, some stuff he is charging for. He is next to the bowling alley in Hilo.

Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management 808 965-9261
Thanks Kapohocat...I'll check it out on Monday!
Called Mr Kays recycling. They do accept electronics. But Tv's and computer monitors they charge .40 cents per pound. In my case that would be roughly $50.00. I think not....
Originally posted by macuu222

Called the county. There is no e recycling . And no scheduled future Windows for dropoff. They said there is no money in the current budget for it statewide. I then asked what people do with old tv's. Computers...etc. They didn't have any answer. So I think dismantling it and then dumping it is the only answer

And people wonder why so many TVs, monitors, computers, etc., end up dumped along the less traveled roads in Puna and elsewhere. Yes, the County has budget problems, but they just can't seem to get their priorities right. When tourism is one of the main industries, even in this less visited part of the island, what sort of impression does it leave on visitors who like to cruise the back roads only to see decaying junk?

This issue is so short sighted. The county doesn't want electronic waste in the landfill so their solution is to not accept it. Do they think the problem disappears doing this. Sort of like the ostrich with it's head in the sand.

What would you rather have - consolidated waste or distributed waste.The waste exists it's just a question of where.

Is it safer sitting in a yard, jungle, beach, or along the road or consolidated for disposal. Not even considering the cost of cleaning up and beauty to resident and visitor alike. Maybe they want us to lose it to the jungle for future archaeological tours.

Don't get me started on tires.


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