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Wedding accessory advice needed
My cousin and his fiance arrive in Hawaii tomorrow to get married late next week. I have helped with some of the arrangments, but we still need two things. One is a simple white linen outfit for the groom to wear at the ceremony. (I suggested that they get this on the mainland, but none were available in our small home town.) The other is a Hawaii themed "wedding memory book." I think this is like a baby book, only for a wedding.

Any suggestions as to where to find these items will be most appreciated.


I don't have the answer but I would think both items could be made locally. A hand crafted book wouldn't be too hard. I know there are artistic enough people on here.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
White linen suits are more difficult to find than you might imagine. I have two of them. One I got at Perlis, a men's store in New Orleans. The other I got at JC Penney's of all places, in Carlsbad, California. The one at Perlis was pricey, but fit beautifully until I had too many loco mocos. Then I got one at JC Penney's. The Penney's one I had to have tailored. The Perlis suit only required minor tailoring. The tailoring for the Penney's suit was almost as much as the suit, which was about $125. The Penney's suit is really inferior to the one from Perlis. There is no lining whatsoever. Can't wear colored boxers or briefs with it. Everything shows. The Perlis one is beautfully lined and tailored. Both, though, are made in Mexico where these are popular. These are so hard to find that I keep my eye out for them at all times. I have never lived in a cold climate, and the dark suits are ridiculous in warm places like San Diego, New Orleans, or Hawaii. When you wear one in normal circumstances, which I often do, it is startling to people, although it makes all the sense in the world.

It is easier to find TAN linen or cotton suits. Often times stores will refer to a suit as "white" when it is really beige or light tan, or cream colored. Pure wedding white is challenging even on the mainland. You CAN get these online. Perlis has them.

As to your actual question, I have no idea where you would get these on island. I would start at Macy's and then move on to the shops at Waikoloa. Season is changing on the mainland and so YOU must change, too, even though your season is not changing.

In the meantime, for your entertainment, here is a picture of me in New Orleans in my Perlis suit. Please note that I am wearing a white pearl tie . I found the tie in a junk shop here in California: $10.

My desire is to wear my suit in Hilo for the White Linen Night. Might miss it this year. Not sure yet. In any case, I will be wearing the Perlis suit when I do, god willing!

what about tommy bahamas? you could try macy's, too. but, like glen said, the seasons are changing and fall merchandise has already started to appear in the chain stores. there could be items on clearance.

as far as the memory book. how about looking at a craft/scrapbooking store? it's really amazing how creative people can be. what about a store that makes invitations? they might have some ideas.

good luck!


"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

You might want to call the bridal shops... some of the shops carry a very few men's suits as well, or they'd know where else to look for one locally.

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."
Thanks for the suggestions. The groom's outfit does not have to be a suit. Actually, I think they had something less formal in mind like trousers and a loose-fitting shirt. Tommy Bahama could work for that. I have called all the bridal shops in the phone book, and nobody has the memory book. I will try the craft/hobby shops after they open today.

Glen, you look like an interesting character in a Faulkner novel, waiting to see a crooked Mississippi politician who may or may not find a way to help you avoid paying the back taxes on the family plantation. The fact that you let him bury a few bodies on the place will no doubt help your case, but the politico is known for exacting last minute concessions, so you are in full "snake charming" mode. Eventually, after half a dozen mint juleps (each) and much negotiation, you reach an agreement that saves the plantation but leaves your darling little sister pledged to marry the troll when she turns 16. Her name is Brianna, and the family had something else in mind for her having to do with saving the sugar plantation Uncle Faubus mysteriously acquired in Hawaii. Oh well, you'll have to find some other way to hold on the the place in Puna.
They have beautiful white aloha wear at Hilo Hattie's. Check it out and probably a great price right now.

Carrie Rojo

"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Great picture in the white suit! Looking like a character from 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil' and ready to make a deal. Just need a white wide brimmed planter's hat to complete the ensemble.
Great suggestion, Carrie. We will go straight to Hattie's from the airport.

Edited to add: Just called Hattie's. "Sorry, we don't carry those any more." Back to square one.

You can shop Hilo Hatties online. Their best shop is in Ala Moana Shopping Center, so you might call there and ask if they have.


Lots of Hawaiian men and Filipino men wear white pants and white shirts for dressy occasions. Bet the Men's Shop knows where to find ready-to-wear white men's apparel. Know any men in halau? They'd know.

As for the wedding memory book, does it have to be preprinted with things like: Bride's family, Groom's family, etc.? There are beautiful handcrafted albums in shops all over this island that feature local, natural artistry on the covers that should work as a wedding memory book.

These aren't problems! Those come later. Sorry, cynical fs

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