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Wedding accessory advice needed
Fun Picture Glen! I used to have one of those pearl ties when it was fashionable for women to wear ties (briefly in the early '80's I think.)

Are you talking about Black and White Night? We went last year and it was soooo much fun.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Jerry, I just remembered Island Heritage has lots of generic island-themed products and went on their website.

Here's the link:

They have good links there to Hawaii's men and women clothing companies as well as check under the crafts link on the mainpage for 12"X12" scrapbooks and under the stationery link for guestbooks and journals.

Your cousin and his fiance can look at the products online and get them here in plenny time[:I]
Frankie, you are a true gem! We have a plan that should work, and that site and associated links was fantastic.

Big cheers,

Your story is both charming and a bit fanciful, proving that you truly do have the heart of Southerner beating beneath your gently heaving chest. I like that about you. Yes, it is true...ever since the virtual death of my partner --I'll call him Mr. Kennedy (I grieve for him still...sniff, sniff)-- life has been a little challenging, to say the least. First, of course, I have had to suffer the slanderous accusations that I escorted him to his grave (again, a virtual one) a little early. Am I not an instrument of the Lord's will? I think so! And, yes, I did have to return to New Orleans on not one, but two occasions to --what's the expression?-- settle affairs. I am so grateful to whoever it was that put me on the airplane home, and for the cash that arrived in the mail shortly thereafter.

I do regret having to shoot that Yankee. But his thoughts were impure, his pockets were lined with jewels and I am frankly just a little tired of turnips. For the record, my thoughts at the time were "He can't be serious....that's it....closer...closer."

I know that if you take the long view of what has transpired....if you pull back and pan the battleground, so to speak, all you will see is fire and human carnage, all you will hear is men crying for relief, and all that will be left is devastation, and, you now, wills and testaments, for which I am grateful. Please don't think that just because I mounted the masked horse and rode out of this that I caused all of it. It's so easy to jump to conclusions!

But Tara...right now, it is the only thing that matters. And I have the deed! And if I have to lie, cheat, steal, evade and take full advantage of the intricaices of the law for which I am well-trained, then so be it.


"Midnight" is a great book. In, fact, I just shipped it over to Hawaii (along with some others). My favorite quote from that book is his statement that it (Savannah) is like "Gone with the Wind on mescaline". It's certainly true. I am so very proud to say that I was kicked out of the Marriott Riverfront there, and that, when I left, I demanded that another guest return a book to me: Yep..."Midnight".

Devany -- you mean to tell me these were a trend? I thought my (faux) pearl tie was very rare. I need a back up as the clasp has slipped a little. And yes....Black and White night....that's it, although I don't know why anyone would want to wear black.

Jerry: Disguise yourself and go to Wal-Mart They have memmory books.

Anyone know where I can get some breadfruit starts?

Sounds like you have some leads on the clothing and memory book searcj. A back-up of last resort would be to try the clothing store adjacent to the grocery store in the newish Pahoa mall (the one with the old Aloha Outpost Cafe). It would be more 'beach chic' with linen/cotton blend drawstring pants and shirt. Worth a quick look. Otherwise, if they are flying into Kona, take a healthy credit card and shop at any of the hotel shops.

Glen: so nice to finally have a face to put to the humorous but always on-point contributions to Punaweb and more importantly, as our gracious and attentive host last Dec/Jan. BTW, Aki and I are now grandparents, as of last Thursday, It is a girl, no name as yet :-)



Forgot to add a comment about your request for a breadfruit start. Two years ago, I found a small grafted Ulu plant at Paradise Plants, 40 Wiwoole St. in Hilo. It was $40. It is now about 8' tall. I'm not sure how you obtain starts but you are certainly welcome to come over to our lot and 'hack' off what you need to root if you have the inclination and know-how.

Congratulations, Aki and Laura! That's wonderful! And a sweet. Name her already, parents! It was so nice to have you last year. My internet has worked flawlessly and without a hitch since Aki set it up. Mahalo! Thanks, also, for the tip on breadfruit. There was a wonderful article on breadfruit in Hawaiian Airlines' magazine, Hana Hou. It is very versatile!

Jerry: Walmart.
Isn't there a scrap booking store around downtown Hilo? Maybe they would have the Hawaiian themed book you are looking for.
Glenn: If you don't find one of your own, we can share, with you coming 10 blocks SE in HPP to harvest the bounty. What could be easier? We certainly could use the help in making use of all its (future) fruits, being only part-time residents. However, there is progress, with concrete slabs to be poured in upcoming weeks.

Update: baby 'L' now has a name. Our son just told us that they have named her Taylor Emme.

OK, I get it. Cousin and fiance come all the way from a small town in Texas where the retail scene is dominated by WalMart, and I will be taking them to . . . WalMart. The irony will probably be lost on them. I'll be the person disguised in a tatty brown wig and plaid Bermuda shorts skulking about the stationery department with a troup of wide-eyed tourists from Texas.

Seriously, though, I want to thank everybody for their ideas. The scrapbook store downtown sounds like a possibility, as is the "surfer chic" place in Pahoa. Something will turn up. It almost always does.


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