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Here's a link to Hunter Bishop's letter to the editor published in yesterday's HHT.
Certainly, everyone is entitled to their opinions - but does anyone else think it's inappropriate that he chastised Yagong and then signed his name with "Office of the Mayor"? Disclosure is one thing - but to me, this just
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Hmmm, Interesting point. I did see his LTE. Signing it in an official capacity would be indicated by the "Office of the Mayor".
Somehow I think he was trying to be clear about where his bread is buttered. A Tip 'o the Hat to journalistic instincts I guess.
He's made a habit of whacking at Kenoi opponents since before he gained his position. So it comes as no surprise to me that he is "outraged" by Yangong's poor choice of words and seized on it to hammer back for his boss.
What is not known is whether Yagong was quoted accurately in the Trib. If he was he appeared to be shooting from the hip a bit.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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Quote from Hunter Bishop's letter from the 'Office of da Mayor' "Dominic lacks the respect and dignity that Hawaii voters expect from their leaders." Oh, please! Where has the respect and dignity gone lately? With the newspaper filing suit for violation of the sunshine laws, and members of the council trying to backdate their misdeeds and cover up their ineptitude, I don't see a great deal of respect being accorded to the voters. More like contempt for the intelligence of the voter, and total disregard for their expressed wishes. This appears to be a classic attempt at misdirection on the part of Mr. Bishop. "Keep your eye on the man behind the curtain". One might also remember the old maxim, "if you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas". End of rant, carry on normal operations, please.
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If it was signed with "Office of the Mayor", start calling, writing and emailing the Mayor's office and ask why they are taking this position and issuing that official statement? Normally (at least what I'm use to) any private citizen can write a letter to the media for or against anything, BUT if they hold a government position, they can not write using their official title, agency, or position, in a manner to give any impression they are not speaking as a private citizen. Otherwise, if they sign it in their position with government it becomes a statement of that position and office.
So, you don't like what, why or how the Mayor's Office made that statement, hold them to the fire for making it.
You can play the game back by writing to the paper and asking them to make a public records request regarding the facts surrounding that statement from the Mayor through his staff.
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Dominic may have read "The Redneck's Guide to Empowerment" for his social skills but he does address the elephant in the living room.
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
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Bob, your point is well taken.
L.G. - "The Redneck's Guide to Empowerment" is hilarious!!!!!