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hawaii gun control laws

another link ... yahoo site keeps crashing the safari browser

supreme court takes up the issue of local gun control ... may have some effect on our codes
What exactly are our Hawaii Gun Laws? I know you are not allowed to carry a concealed weapon, but that is all I know. Personally I don't like guns, but I believe they should be licensed.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
without gong in to detail ... I think its safe to say our state laws are narrower than federal concerning weapons.

This is not a state that I would fire in self defense without talking to a attorney first ..... one hand on the cell phone the other squeezing off a round, quite the mental image. - grin

Funny thing is we tightly control guns ... and have the worst drivers in the country - related? grin

Aloha , back to the garden , manana
Hawai Gun law:

We have very restrictive gun laws. We also do not have a castle doctrine either. In the even of a home invasion you are required to retreat, and can only act in direct self defense.

I for one welcome challenges to state and localities that have restrictive gun laws. Can you imagine needing a "license" to go an speak freely on the street? can you imagine a "license" to plead the 5th. Imagine that... in court... YOU: "your honor I'll take the 5th amendment and remain silent" JUDGE: "no you will not, you have not applied for a license to use that right, DENIED"

We are living in an upside down world where our RIGHTS are now "issued" to us by a license. By the USE of a license is a DIRECT implication that you do not have the right at all and are just being allocated use of a right only the government reserves hence the "license" This is totally unconstitutional and illegal.

Here we go again
I'm not going to be drawn into this debate, but do have a question.

Has the county issued any "conceal/carry" permits to private individuals?

Someone on the HTH blog claims to be carrying a concealed weapon legally, and it just doesn't ring true.

1. Show reason to fear injury to his person or property
2. Citizen of the United States
3. At least 21 years of age
4. Qualify to own a firearm under Section 7 of Chapter 134 of the Hawaii State Statutes. This section describes the disqualifying criminal background factors.
5. Sane
6. Qualified to use the firearm

In an exceptional case, when the applicant shows reason to fear injury to his person or property, the respective chief of police may grant a license to carry a concealed firearm on his person within the county where the license is granted to a U.S. citizen or duly accredited official representative of a foreign nation age 21 or older.



i hit submit to fast.

I cant find any reference to actual permits being issued. However I am sure the chief has issued carry conceal permits. Thats an assumption on my part.
I read the same post ... I had two thoughts

1) posing

2) cop

policeman are known to carry off duty
From a friend who is a NRA member and is up on all of this , only 1 permit has been issued in Hawaii County.

Must be the chief!

In the meantime , the Supreme Court is looking at laws that prohibit gun ownership.In Hawaii you can legally own guns if you jump through the hoops.

It must work , because Hawaii has the lowest per capita death rate from gunshots in the US.

I like living in a place where I don't have to watch 1/2 hour of news about the days killings.

If you need to have a gun so you can shoot someone in the back while they are running away from yard after stealing a pot plant , you probably need to cut back on the weed yourself.

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