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My letter to the editor re: Resolution 237-09
Originally posted by mdd7000

I agree with your points, but you did move to the land of socialism and liberalism. Smile Some of us are in the minority here. Less taxes, less government intervention, and let the economy prosper like it would if that actually happened.

who is this directed at?
Originally posted by 808blogger

Originally posted by mdd7000

I agree with your points, but you did move to the land of socialism and liberalism. Smile Some of us are in the minority here. Less taxes, less government intervention, and let the economy prosper like it would if that actually happened.

who is this directed at?

Uh, You. [Smile]
There are provisions in the Federal Government, and many State Governments for mandatory vaccinations for communicable diseases that are considered a danger to the community as a whole. But there are provisions for people to not take a vaccine, but be quarantined. This is not a nefarious act by the Federal, State, or County Governments to control the population by killing them with poison vaccines...or any other manner. The reasons for such adamant discussion on this issue is that most of the people (not all) who argue against vaccinations also have an extreme distrust or hatred for the Federal Government. Forget all of the benefits that everyone has that stems from the Federal Government...Firefighters...Law Enforcement...Paved Roads...Airports...Air Traffic Controllers...Federal Aviation Safety...Federal Employment...Military protection...etc. But hey they are the Federal Government...oh wait! Isn't the Federal Government responsible for Social Security (Disability)...Medicare...will people give that up with vaccines because they are from the Federal Government too?

Here is that link:



Aloha & Mahalo

Aloha & Mahalo

I don't think one needs to be a conspiracy theorist in order to question government mandates or "strong recommendations." It is our health and our future health that will be affected by any substances we inject into our bodies because "they" told us to. I am old enough to remember thalidomide and its ghastly effects on newborns. I was strongly urged by my doctor to take HRTs (Hormone Replacement Therapy) even though I had no symptoms, but as a preventative "just in case" I might have bone loss later on (and later on it turned out they caused cancer - oops). These are examples of course of doctors and pharmaceutical companies whose advice or products harmed people. Not the government. But mass vaccinations require massive amounts of pharmaceuticals, purchased from these same "oops-sorry" prone, profit-driven companies. And I for one applaud and admire our County Council for questioning the safety of the government's mass-produced vaccine. It doesn't state unequivocally that the vaccine is harmful. Rather, it questions whether it has been adequately tested, whether it contains harmful substances, etc. These are questions that need to be asked in a public forum, better yet by a governmental body. We need more watch dogs and questioners, not rubber stampers. The Council's Resolution 237-09 is taking an all too rare stance against a rush to vaccinate.
"there is insufficient evidence proving that vaccines are safe or effective "

By stating this, the Council members have shown themselves to be ignoramuses.
Hundreds of millions of people have taken vaccines for decades. What more proof could they want?
First I am not sure what other "land" I moved from. I guess you could consider "Oahu" another land.

Hawaii country is very libertarian compared to the rest of the state.

Originally posted by mdd7000

Originally posted by 808blogger

Originally posted by mdd7000

I agree with your points, but you did move to the land of socialism and liberalism. Smile Some of us are in the minority here. Less taxes, less government intervention, and let the economy prosper like it would if that actually happened.

who is this directed at?

Uh, You. [Smile]

This arguement is the government loving one, This is the argument that without the government nothing would ever happen, you mention all the benifits of a federal government, some of them are not even federal, (i.e. fire dept, unless of course you are aware that infact they are all funded by FEMA)

If the Feds didnt exist people would still want to build roads, people would still want to fly in planes, etc

The government didnt invent any of this, they just hold the monolpoly of force, and implementation.

I love people that argue the good of the federal government by saying all the things they "do" when in fact all of this and LIFE would go on (likely better imho) without them than with them.

Arguing govt mandadated vaccines are good because oh look at the roads they pave for you..

Also in reality, the Interstate Highway system is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and is quite hazardous to drive on and is one of the best ways to die unnaturally, Likely that logic will fall on def ears.

Question: IF everyone is already vaccinated, why would you care if you were mingling with non-vaccinated people? I mean wouldnt your super shot keep you from getting the disease? or do you not fully trust the shot? or there is no actual real measurable efficacy of "flu shots"

Originally posted by BigIslandPapa

There are provisions in the Federal Government, and many State Governments for mandatory vaccinations for communicable diseases that are considered a danger to the community as a whole. But there are provisions for people to not take a vaccine, but be quarantined. This is not a nefarious act by the Federal, State, or County Governments to control the population by killing them with poison vaccines...or any other manner. The reasons for such adamant discussion on this issue is that most of the people (not all) who argue against vaccinations also have an extreme distrust or hatred for the Federal Government. Forget all of the benefits that everyone has that stems from the Federal Government...Firefighters...Law Enforcement...Paved Roads...Airports...Air Traffic Controllers...Federal Aviation Safety...Federal Employment...Military protection...etc. But hey they are the Federal Government...oh wait! Isn't the Federal Government responsible for Social Security (Disability)...Medicare...will people give that up with vaccines because they are from the Federal Government too?

Here is that link:



Aloha & Mahalo


Define "EXTREMELY DANGEROUS". It's my understanding that highways are the safest of all roads.

I wonder how people can be so suspicious of vaccines when there is no reason to be and to do so contravenes all logic and evidence. I think the reasoning goes like this:
1) Vaccine provided by Federal Government
2) Federal Government is bad
3) Hence, vaccine must be bad

How are State or local governments better anyway?
Folks, this is all beginning to travel off into lala land. Bring it back to Hawaii somehow or take it somewhere else please.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by 808blogger

This arguement is the government loving one, This is the argument that without the government nothing would ever happen, you mention all the benifits of a federal government, some of them are not even federal, (i.e. fire dept, unless of course you are aware that infact they are all funded by FEMA)


If you want to be accurate...FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) does not fund the Fire Departments...they issue grants for one-time purchases of equipment...FEMA is the agency that responds when a natural disaster occurs, (except under George W. Bush for New Orleans)...If a Tsunami were to hit Hilo...FEMA would come and help you...

But I do believe that most people here support this ill conceived & useless action by the Hawai'i Council because of the statement made by PaulW:

1) Vaccine provided by Federal Government
2) Federal Government is bad
3) Hence, vaccine must be bad

Polio, Chicken Pox, Small Pox almost totally eliminated because of VACCINES!!! Vaccines are not evil, big pharma may be evil in that it wants you to take a pill for everything...The US Government killing off its people for population control is another reason for government...kind of shooting themselves in the foot huh?

Aloha & Mahalo

Aloha & Mahalo


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