01-14-2010, 03:11 PM
Del you have completly crossed the line and are treading on thin ice. Were you at any of those search warrants or have you ever recovered evidence, I think not, one officer recovers the evidence and that is not the arresting officer or the officer that prepared the search warrant its an officer whose only function is to count or weigh the dope. You must be out of your mind to think that an officer is going to chnage the numbers, and you be ashamed of yourself for thinking so. Most of the Mj search warrants conducted during the time period you are suggesting all exceeded the legal limits by hundreds, what would be the benifit of changing the numbers it would hcnage the crime once you go over a certian number it does not matter example if you had 200 plants or 1000 plants the punishment is the same. You are talking out your butt and have crossed the line and should be careful before you get yourself in trouble. I thought this blog people were more civil and had more sense but I was wrong the same ignorance as the tribune heralds blogs.