02-04-2010, 05:55 AM
I've lost several of my ohia in the past year; no guava at all in my yard but I have the rust fungus so bad on my trees that I power-hose them every now and then to get it off the ohia. The ohia that died were smaller ones, not my big, beautiful ones.
Ag specialists told me it was the rust fungus from the ohia that was killing the blossoms on my mango tree. They also said if I couldn't spray my ohia trees (several of which are like 35-50 feet tall), there was no cure for the rust fungus. I don't think the fungus is killing the ohia or other trees because I still have most of my trees and they're blooming and seem quite healthy looking, except for the rust.
One thing that does kill ohias is concrete poisoning. I've seen some homes in my neighborhood where people kept an attractive stand of ohia but then put in a concrete driveway or walkway and the ohia all died. If only they'd known...
Ag specialists told me it was the rust fungus from the ohia that was killing the blossoms on my mango tree. They also said if I couldn't spray my ohia trees (several of which are like 35-50 feet tall), there was no cure for the rust fungus. I don't think the fungus is killing the ohia or other trees because I still have most of my trees and they're blooming and seem quite healthy looking, except for the rust.
One thing that does kill ohias is concrete poisoning. I've seen some homes in my neighborhood where people kept an attractive stand of ohia but then put in a concrete driveway or walkway and the ohia all died. If only they'd known...