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Equal protection... why should the County care
Originally posted by Aaron S

It is my understanding that the current fair share assessment system is NOT codified into law. This is among the reasons why Judge Ibarra declared that these assessments are illegal
And what is so funny about this is it was a snow job from the start. Developers agreed to the fair Share only to wait until the County came after them for the money. They would bait the County into saying it was to mitigate the affect their project had on County services and the developers would raise their hand and say you mean Impact Fee? The County was stuck dead in their tracks. This could have been resolved long ago if the County just didn't keep insisting it was legal. Isn’t this the same issue that led to Honolulu's impact fees and the states education impact fee many moons ago?

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RE: Equal protection... why should the County care - by Bob Orts - 02-09-2010, 09:19 AM

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